Wednesday, January 25, 2023

SAHRR, The First Round

Roseanne has selected the spool block as the first round of the SAHRR (stay at home round robin). I have never been fond of the spool block and never made one before. I doubt I ever will again.

Rosemary shared the dimensions on her blog and gave suitable instructions.

I have fussed and messed with these blocks for 3 days which has been rather frustrating to me. I didn't think they looked right but I sewed them onto my center anyway.

After I took the picture to show you, I realized that ALL OF THE BLOCKS are incorrectly sewn!!! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! I have never had such a problem piecing blocks!

So here is my center with the incorrectly sewn spool blocks.

I hope this is encouraging to beginning sewests, even long time quilters make mistakes!


  1. Sorry that all of your blocks are sewn incorrectly. We have all been there. when i came to visit this post, I thought, it was more of a ' creative design choice ' . Makes perfect sense to me.

  2. What's cool to me is that with your version of the blocks, they echo shapes I see in the center, forming a more perfect compliment in design. So this is a win in my book! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Nope, no mistake, just another design opportunity. Now on to other things, dear girl.

  4. Looking good! I thought about joining in, but then a t-shirt quilt request appeared, sidelining a lot of my plans. Maybe next year.

  5. It's not a mistake! It's a design element. You wanted your version to have a little something different.

  6. Love the contrast of light and dark blue blocks.
    Sorry you had so much trouble with these blocks.
    They don't look like spools but who's to say you
    didn't do it on purpose.

  7. Hi Gretchen! I'm so sorry you were frustrated making this block. I shared in my post that I managed to sew mine wrong, too. Maybe it's the block?! It's the first time I've made a spool block and I don't know that I'll be making more any time soon. HAHA! I think the shape and fabrics go nicely with your center medallion. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I just got this delivered to my email Gretchen… unsure of the delay but I loooove your inside out spool blocks!
    Sorry they were a hassle to sew… hope the rest of the round Robin is fun as you do it at home :)

  9. Dear Gretchen,
    I know that feeling. While looking for my lost white felt, I found a round Robin started too long ago. Forgot all about it, know about it now and will pull it out sometime to see up to where it got too. It is interesting so far. The next round will make the Center look completely different. Have a wonderful day.

  10. Barbells instead of spools! It may have started as an accident but it certainly works! ~Jeanne

  11. I love it!! I’m not a fan of spool blocks either! These work perfectly in your quilt!!

  12. I can feel your frustration! They look good though. I also thought they looked like yo-yos, or maybe bobbins. Whatever, I think they will look good in your finished quilt and draw out the round elements.

  13. Looking at the photo and not (yet) reading what you had written - I thought your SAHRR looked pretty cool, and the blocks complimented the centre. That's a win. Hope you enjoy the next round more!

  14. I thought the same as Jennifer. Your spin on the spool blocks gives them a curved softness that follows the shapes of the center block. I thought it was very clever!

  15. You could have fooled me into thinking it a choice. I think the upside down pieces round out your "spools" so that they coordinate better with your curvy center than the "real" ones would have.( I read other comments and see I'm not alone.)

  16. I actually love your version of the blocks. Sometimes the best designs come from mistakes. Your quilt is starting out beautifully!

  17. I think the way your spool blocks turned out looks great with your quilt. They are a fun variation on the traditional block.

  18. Wrong, Gretchen? Let's just call them uniquely pieced. :o))

  19. Call it “Which Way Did They Go” I thought it was the design you wanted. Anyway the blues really make the center block look good.

  20. Hey Gretchen. It’s me as Anonymous! Damn if only software could be left alone.
