Sunday, January 22, 2023

More Hand Quilting

The bottom border of Lady Jane is finished and has been rolled. As I said last week, you can't see the stitching for the busyness of the border fabric but the stitching does show on the darker blue outside border.

The bottom outside border is 10" wide. I can't reach that far to quilt at a time so the bottom was quilted across two times.

The most asked question last week was if the entire quilt was marked with a diagonal line. Simple answer, no, it is not.

I found the center of each border, then marked 45* diagonal lines to the left and to the right. The lines are approximately 2" apart. I had to fudge some of the widths to make the lines look right. I can't mark perfect 2" apart then end up with a 1.5" section, that is too noticeable.

The top of the bottom picture shows part of the dark blue border. The next section, which is 6" wide, will be quilted with a Baptist Fan design with 1" curves. You will definitely be able to see the quilting.

I have my hand quilting mojo back which is good, but the quilting time cuts into my EPP work. Oh well, we won't even talk about Hearts & Wreaths.

Here is a link to the Lady Jane pattern.


  1. You certainly do have your quilting mojo back. Lady Jane is a vision!

  2. I love seeing Lady Jane on your quilt frame.... I love how you decided to quilt such a large quilt with diagonal lines without marking them all at once too!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Your Hand quilting is always so nice and inspiring, Gretchen. I am glad your quilting mojo is back.

  4. You continue to make good progress. It's always a nice feeling when the stitching mojo returns. Happy stitching this week. Thank you for linking up with 15 minute to stitch.

  5. it looks like it is going great and back into your quilting groove

  6. Glad to hear you are back to hand quilting. Lady Jane will thank you. I think the hardest part of hand quilting is marking and making sure the pattern you choose fits the space you have to quilt.

  7. This quilt is beautiful…the fabrics and the piecing and the quilting is the icing on the cake. Happy stitching to you Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  8. Beautiful blues, lovely stitching! Marking is always my least favorite thing, but it's worth it for a good design. Happy quilting!

  9. Your quilting is beautiful. And what a gorgeous quilt!

  10. This is a lovely project for winter quilting! So glad you are enjoying the process!

  11. Well, if you run out of hand quilting projects, call me! I have 10. Your quilt will be so pretty and I know it is your favorite color! Glad you have your mojo hand quilting back, and I understand how one thing takes away another project we would also like to be working on! Have a great Week! Hugs

  12. The first couple of rows on the frame seem to go quickly then you near the center of the quilt and things slow down then pick up again as you near the end. At least that is what I find with my hand quilting!

  13. Lady Jane is looking wonderful, Gretchen. Your hand quilting is exquisite. I hope your day is a blessed and productive one. Happy Sunday

  14. Lady Jane is beautiful, love seeing your quilting!

  15. How nice that you have that hand quilting mojo back!

  16. Beautiful blue colors, and your hand quilting is amazing as always. Happy stitching!

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  18. That is a stunning blue and white quilt. Delft Blue - makes me think of the plates a friend had hanging in her kitchen. Great job!

  19. You're making great progress! Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx
