Sunday, January 8, 2023

Another Hexie Flower

Another flower completed made with 3/4" hexie papers.

I'm trying to use fabrics that haven't been used in the flowers before. That said, there were a lot of basted black hexies so I'm using them because they are ready to use. I really like this pink fabric but the fabric piece wasn't very large and I could only get these 6 hexies.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Sew & TellHandmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday This 'N ThatMonday Musings


  1. Another lovely hexie flower. Those pretty fabrics look great together.

  2. Love your hexie flowers…. You can’t tell thss as t flower wasn’t built to be pretty too!

  3. The colors blend so well, it's a beautiful hexie block.

  4. What a pretty hexie flower. The pink really sets off the black. It is a good way to use up small scraps of fabric.

  5. Dear Gretchen,
    Your hexies are growing. This year started off with sewing up bags, items for me for my all my projects. We always make others and rarely make much for us. Once this is done, it will be back to slow relaxing stitching and handwork. Love reading all the blog posts about you’re creative projects.

  6. Pretty flower garden coming soon! It is going to be nice to have the scraps used up! Hugs!

  7. A fun variety of fabrics in this flower!

  8. Great use of the black in this flower!

  9. I like the pink color too with the other fabrics in your hexyflower:0))!

  10. Love your hexie flower! Such fun colors together.

  11. I really like those colors - hexies are so pretty.

  12. Your flowers seem to be coming together REALLY quickly! You are such a fast stitcher!

  13. These hexie flowers just make me smile. They're so pretty! I have a small hexie project to take with me in the car next time we do a road trip.

  14. Your hexi looks good. Maybe you only got 6 from the pink but congrats on using a last little bit of fabric!

  15. It makes a pretty hexagon flower. That's my favorite size hexagon to use, though I use others, too ... but not lately!

  16. Such a beautiful flower!
    Love it!
    Barbara xxx (New to the party)

  17. It is a sweet looking flower. <3 Blessings, M

  18. I love the way you used the black hexies in this, Gretchen! It's really pretty. Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  19. You are ever a source of inspiration. Love all your projects. You are such an excellent quilter. I think I will make the 9 patch quilt you did as a little bit here and there project. I really love your style and colors. Truly amazing.

  20. How gorgeous! Love how you arranged the fabrics, so pretty! Hope you're having a great week and thanks for joining in on Monday This & That! xx

  21. Hexie flowers are one of my favourite things, this is beautiful.
