Sunday, December 4, 2022

Hearts & Wreaths Progress

Progress has been made with Hearts & Wreaths, I trimmed the blocks then sewed them together. Now all I need to do is applique the borders, sew them to the center then I'm ready for hand quilting!

Look at all that space where the corners of the blocks meet, I envision lovely quilting motifs in those corners.

Unfortunately it will probably be at least a year before those borders are finished.

The center will hang on the display wall to keep my enthusiasm  going for the borders. I won't be able to use a large part of the display wall but that's ok. I smile every time I look at the blocks.

I started appliqueing the blocks for Hearts & Wreaths in August 2021. The pattern can be found in issue #138 of Quiltmania magazine. Here is a link to my first post about Hearts & Wreaths. I had originally planned to make my quilt larger by appliqueing 25 blocks instead of 20 but I changed my mind.

I've adjusted to my basement sewing room, I love all the space! I had several friends come for a sew day in early November, they loved all the space too and were impressed with the lighting! 

The basement heating works fine, I'm not cold at all.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh ScrapHandmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. I love this quilt!!! I can't wait to see what it looks like when you finish the quilting! It's a real stunner! Glad the basement is working out (especially for light and heat). This quilt really gave me a lift! Have a great day!

  2. Oh wow this is going to be beautiful, so much work!.

  3. I'm not surprised this quilt makes you smile! It's gorgeous. I can really see the background colour now.

  4. Wow, how beautiful!!! That's a lot of applique!

  5. Dear Gretchen,

    I have enjoyed following along seeing each completed block and now this beautiful Center. Looking forward to seeing the appliqué borders and all the quilting. With all the projects being done and posted it has been so inspiring, thank you.

  6. Your Hearts and Wreaths quilt is going to be absolutely gorgeous! I'm very impressed with how quickly you got all those applique blocks done.

  7. It was interesting to see each block being posted, but to see them all together ... WOW!

  8. glad to hear your basement sewing room is working out well for you - plenty of room to spread out, add some comfy chairs for handwork and get to work

  9. Fantastic! Such a gorgeous quilt!

  10. Absolutely gorgeous! A true work of art.

  11. I feel like the borders can be like a whole second quilt! I love the center of the top, such pretty colors and design.

  12. Well done, another beauty!

  13. I love this gorgeous quilt top! Beautiful work!

  14. Beautiful.
    So glad your basement is a cosy place to sit and sew.

  15. They are such beautiful blocks, lovely go see all the hearts and wreaths stitched together.and I'm looking forward to see what you are planning for the borders, and watching them evolve.

  16. Hearts and Wreaths is beautiful. I can understand how leaving this on the design wall will inspire you to finish those borders. I look forward to seeing them.

  17. Wow! It is so beautiful! Congrats on having the center assembled. Each wreath is lovely, andso beautiful all together. I remember seeing the start of it at a retreat. Hugs, Judy

  18. I've loved your Hearts and Wreaths since first spying it, Gretchen. These blocks are beautiful and now such progress to have them sewn together. I'm so happy that your new space is working out so well for you. Enjoy your stitching this week now.

  19. I'm glad you are enjoying your new sewing space, Gretchen. That quilt is gorgeous!! I look forward to seeing what you quilt in that negative space! And hand quilting...oh my!! Have a great week and thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  20. The wreaths are beautiful and will provide inspiration as they adorn your new studio.

  21. Oh my goodness! This is beautiful and makes me smile too! That looks like a lot of work. I wish I liked to applique.

  22. Your hearts and wreath afghan is lovely. So glad your sewing room is working well for you, wonderful to have friends to visit and stitch with you.

  23. Hearts and Wreaths is gorgeous!

  24. well on the way to a true masterpiece. Must bring so much joys as you work toward the final stitches! And a wonderful new sewing space -- you surely must be one very happy quilter!

  25. What an amazing quilt. I look forward to seeing how you quilt it.

  26. I absolutely love this quilt! You are so good with scrappy!!!! AND I am still very happy for you on your new home and sewing room! What a great Christmas you will have this year. Happy Quilter Gretchen is! Hugs
