Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Embroidered Double Wedding Ring Quilt Quilted!

The embroidered double wedding ring quilt was finished into a flimsy in November 2021. The quilt was carefully folded lengthwise, very carefully placed on a hanger in the 'to be quilted' closet then completely forgot about!

When I was deciding which quilts I wanted to take to Lori for long arm quilting, I noticed those stars and wondered, 'What quilt is this?" Surprise! So I decided to have her quilted so she would be 100% finished!

Here she is in all with all of her quilted beauty! Those star really make the embroidery shine. The quilt ends at the solid blue border in the above picture. She's laying on top of double delight.

I had Lori quilt her with a Feather & Wreath design. After washing, she measures 76" by 90". Yes, she not a big quilt but she's finished!

I used to embroider a lot of quilt blocks like this, they were a good pick up and put down project when I had young children. 

Here is a close up of  the quilting on the center of the quilt.

On the back I used a light blue whole cloth fabric which displays the quilting design very nicely.

This was my oldest unfinished quilt project, at least 25 years old. Now she's a finish and resides on the guest bed. (I decided Welsh Beauty was too special to be used.)


  1. 25 years! Wow -- how wonderful to have it finished. And that embroidery is gorgeous. Thanks for the tip about doing embroidery like this -- I'm always looking for projects that I can pick up/put down in small moments.

  2. Gretchen… this forgotten top is s as imply stupendous!!! I love the quilting design you chose too but those embroidered blocks are amazing!!!

  3. this is a real treasure and well done - congrats

  4. What a great and beautiful finish! The stars really do add to the quilt and the embroidery is gorgeous. ~Jeanne

  5. wow it sat aside for 25 years - glad you finished it and sharing it.

  6. Bravo! A beautiful finish, and way to stick with it! I bet that feels good!

  7. Another gorgeous quilt, gretchen. Congrats!

  8. That turned out beautifully, Gretchen! I love the combination of embroidery and the pieced stars. It's so great that you found it in the closet and realized what it was!

  9. What a beautiful quilt Gretchen! This one slipped by me if you had posted it before. 25 years old - hum. you beat me on my old UFO's! LOL. Hugs Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. I love embroidery on quilts, and this one is so lovely. After 25 years, she will be pleased to be out of the closet.

  11. Hi Gretchen! Oh, what a priceless finish you are sharing today. What a pleasant surprise when you peeked at that blue star, right?! It was meant to be finished now and boy, does it look beautiful on your guest bed. I hope you walk past that room often - just to smile at your lovely accomplishment. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Stars are always beautiful and then make them in blue-a real winner. I certainly can understand not wanting to keep Welsh Beauty on the bed, lots of work involved in that one too.

  13. Wow! Another amazing quilt. The embroidery is very beautiful and what a lovely surprise you would have had finding it after all of those years.

  14. Stunning! So glad you found it and had it quilted. It deserved a finish and looks so lovely on your bed. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  15. So lovely and is perfect for your guest room.

  16. This is an incredibly beautiful quilt! I am amazed at those embroidered blocks, such time and care put into them. You have a real treasure there Gretchen, beautiful job! Thank you for sharing it with To Do Tuesday!

  17. Hurrah for such a long awaited finish Gretchen!
