Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Dresden Stars

Years ago I bought a kit at Lolly's Fabrics for Edyta Sitar's Dresden Star pattern. This is an older pattern, I think the copyright date is 2006. I decided it was time to start on this quilt and prepped fabrics to sew the Dresdens at retreat.

These petals or wedges or whatever you call them were a very good project to sew at retreat, can I say boring? This was Saturday's project and they're finished to this stage!

Update . . . These wedges are NOT EPP'd, they're pieced the way Edyta instructed in the pattern.

This project may be pulled to sew more this winter or it may wait until April for the next step. 

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down


  1. I like the colors you chose! Very pretty!

  2. Love this! I'm working on another EPP project right now but I'm always thinking about WHAT'S NEXT. Dresdens are a fabulous idea!

  3. Going to be one of those projects to do when you want to do something different. Hugs

  4. That is great fabric for Dresden Stars! I clicked on the link, so I could see the pattern. Lovely.

  5. So many pretty colors in your collection! I've been so tempted to start an EPP project, but I'm trying to resist. We'll see how that goes!

  6. Sorry these pieces weren't more stimulating to make because they are quite pretty.

  7. Hi Gretchen! Well, if you're not feeling the project . . . we can't have you being bored. There are too many other projects calling your name. I can hear them up here in Wisconsin - Gretchen, please set this aside. It is lovely but just say no to being bored! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. I like how you've arranged the colours on your Dresden. Happy sewing :)

  9. Your petals are so pretty. Good luck on this weeks to do list!

  10. The fabrics that you chose for the petals are just gorgeous, Gretchen. This will be a great winter project. Looking forward to following your progress.

  11. a great retreat project where your attention might be diverted now and then....lovely fabrics!

  12. What a pretty pattern and will be so nice in those fabrics. Haha on boring - bet you were anything but bored on retreat. :D Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  13. So pretty! I find it's better to do boring tasks with others so hopefully you found that too. Love your fabric choices. This will be a wonderful quilt! Thanks for sharing on my weekly linkup, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. Dresdens are amongst my favourites to stitch, always EPP though. Interesting that they would be just sewn I take it. Pretty fabrics.

  15. I've made two Dresden quilts and really enjoyed them--a good break I think. Pretty fabrics!

  16. This will make a wonderful quilt! I love her patterns. Looking forward to seeing your quilt as it progresses. What is a Jane Stickle Retreat? Where is it held? Vermont? Just wondering ... :) Pat

    This will make a wonderful
