Sunday, October 23, 2022

Welsh Beauty

Another row of Welsh Beauty has been quilted! I'm so close to a finish!!!

Here is this section of quilting, from the right side of the quilt to the left side.

I didn't take pictures of all of the swags but there are 5 of these swags in the center of the quilt.

This picture is taken from the opposite side of the quilt. You can see where the quilt top is pinned to the ticking. You can also see part of the wool batting under the ticking.

You can see the top of the quilt that needs to be quilted, I can reach all of it so the next time I post about Welsh Beauty, the hand quilting will be finished!

It's those pins that make the weird bumpy marks after I roll but they always disappear. 

The quilting frame hasn't made it to the new house yet. Despite Kathi's assurances that you can remove a partially quilted quilt then put it back in the frame just fine, I decided to leave the quilt in the frame at the farm house. I don't quilt every afternoon but often enough to make progress.

Besides, the quilting frame is going to be set up in my sewing space in the basement of the new place. We'll have to put the rods through the egress window to get it down there!


  1. I have taken a quilt out of the frame (with the rails still attached and rolled up like a Torah scroll) and successfully moved the quilting frame to another floor. Would recommend using some type of bungee cord in two or three places to keep the "scroll" all together while it is in transit.

    But it sounds like you are close enough to a finish not to need to do that. It's looking lovely!

  2. Gretchen... I love seeing you nearing the end and planning the next quilt in your frame once moved to your home :) I am so excited to see the farmhouse find a family and y'all to be all in your home now too! Excellent stitching on that wholecloth too!

  3. I think you are wise to keep the quilt in place until you’ve finished. It sounds like it’s nearly done and it is a real beauty!

  4. The quilting on your Welsh Beauty looks gorgeous, and I can't wait to see it finished!

  5. You are so close to having it finished. The quilting is just gorgeous!

  6. It's so close to the end that it's really not worth removing it from the frame. Unless you had to empty the farmhouse.
    It is gorgeous, Gretchen!!!

  7. I was just wondering about that as between travel and sickness I had all of a sudden realized I hadn't seen your quilt in awhile. I would find it easier to just finish the quilt in place at the farmhouse and then start anew when it is done and get it set up where you want it. I'm sure you are over to the farmhouse everyday anyhow taking care of things -

  8. I am in awe of your quilting. You are so close to finishing Welsh Beauty! I wonder what will go on the frame after you move it to your new home

  9. Just the most wonderful of stitching, Gretchen. I would love to sit beside you and just watch you stitch. I'm off now to see if I can find Darlene's panel. I'm in love with that of yours as well.

  10. How exciting to be so close to the end! Great work!

  11. Truly beautiful! I can understand why you would want to take it out of the frame until it was finished!

  12. Oh you are so very, very close to finishing. I love this quilt. Enjoy your quilting. Have a great week!

  13. Oh so close, I've really enjoyed watching your beautiful work on this quilt.

  14. Your quilting is so beautiful, Gretchen. I am sure the excitement is building as you closing in on a finish. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  15. Oooh, love seeing this! It looks so beautiful and you are close to done. I have one basted and started stitching on it but realized I needed to change to a larger frame to work on it. Got the frame a bit ago but still haven't transferred it over yet. Hmmm, maybe a project to set up to work on in the New Year.

  16. You are so close to a finish. Yor quilting is lovely and I look forward to seeing the final reveal. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  17. Your hand quilting is so beautiful What an Heirloom to hang in that beautiful new home!

  18. OMG! How beautiful is that! I am looking forward to see the full result!

  19. Almost done!! This is exciting! You will have the most tremendous sense of accomplishment when it is out of the frame, won't you?

  20. Amazing how beautiful your quilting is. Wow! Great job!

  21. Wow, so beautiful. I admire folks with the patience to hand quilt; I wish I could.
