Sunday, August 14, 2022

Welsh Beauty

There was another row of almost all cross hatching across Welsh Beauty this week but I persevered!

Last week my post included several photos of just cross hatching, I'm not doing that this week!

I have two pictures of the quilting, the right side . . .

And the left side.

While I was quilting, this happened, I emptied this spool of hand quilting thread, all 500 yards! There is more to quilt so now I'm measuring yard pieces of thread, cutting 10 at a time. I'm keeping track.

Total yards of the cream quilting thread used is up to 510. I'm also using a variegated blue thread on the flowers and swags. I'll be emptying that spool before I'm finished also.

I've been asked what I do to entertain myself while hand quilting. I normally watch a detective series on my IPad. The last several weeks I've been rewatching From Candleford to Lark Rise on BritBox. This has been a nice change from shows I normally watch.

Some people were having problems leaving comments on my posts so I made a change and that seems to have helped, people can now leave their comments. 

This is great for you leaving comments, but unfortunately, I'm unable to reply to your comments individually or in the comments section. I can leave a comment but I can't link it to the appropriate question. You need to come back and read the comments to see if I answered your question.

Last week someone asked me what kind of needle I use and what kind of thimble. I use DMC hand quilting needles, #7 and my thimble is an ordinary one that has a concave top. The eye of the #7 is large enough that I can use it for regular hand quilting thread and the #12 Sulky variegated thread. I can quilt small stitches with this size needle. When my neighbor ladies come to quilt, they want a smaller size which I keep on hand for them, they think the #7 is too large.

I'm so used to this type of thimble, I can't use a convex kind. I assume it is DMC brand. This is the type of thimble that my local fabric store sells. You are able to try it on in the package, I wear a medium.

I also have a copper one that I use sometimes that I bought at a store in Utah but the bottom of that thimble is longer than this one. It rubs on my knuckle.

These thimbles are relatively inexpensive which is good because I have a thimble with every hand project so I don't have to look for them.

I have worn out thimbles over the years, the concave top of the thimble becomes thin and the needle pushes through the metal. I just throw that one away and get a new one.

The size needle you use or the type of thimble is a personal choice that only you can make. What matters is if it works for you.

I made it to Wakarusa last week so I took pictures of the Quilt Garden.

The flowers have grown since July.

This sculpture looks so lifelike, at first glance, I always think there really is someone sitting on the bench! You can actually read the words on the newspaper he's holding.

I'm going to be taking a blog break for the rest of August, see you in September!

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday


  1. Lovely hand quilting and garden you shared today Gretchen... enjoy your blog break :)

  2. Your quilting is so beautiful! The quilt garden is lovely. Enjoy your blog break!

  3. The garden is beautiful and your quilting is wonderful.
    500 yards and counting !
    Have a great week and enjoy the break. See you in September.

  4. Beautiful quilting, as usual! I loved YLI thread when I hand quilted. 500 yards and more to go - WOW! Your quilt is going to be absolutely awesome! I can't wait to see some of those beautiful quilt gardens. ~Jeanne

  5. I am having trouble leaving comments on blogs I had never had problems leaving a comment on before but not yours. I can not use a metal thimble like you do those kind hurt my finger at the base of the thimble on the skin area it rest on. I have never been able to wear them - I don't think I have seen the needles you use - I agree you though - handquilters know what they like and what works for them and you stick with it occasionally trying something new but almost always go back to works

  6. It's always interesting to read what other quilters find works for them. But I agree that it is totally a personal thing esp. for thimbles. Your quilting lines are always sublime I think laid by a very serene person! We have watched Larkrise to Candleford a couple of times, also Little Dorrit and Parade's End. Yes that statue is amazing. Enjoy your little break!

  7. Your quilting is just beautiful. Watching you makes me want to do a whole cloth quilt.

  8. I love seeing your progress. I do appreciate hearing what kind of thread, needles, and thimbles you use. The patchwork garden is nearly as beautiful as your hand quilting! :)

  9. Your hand quilting is just so beautiful. I am not surprised that you finished that spool of thread as there is a whole lot of quilting going on. I can't find a metal thimble that fits my wide fingers. Even a large is uncomfortable. I use a leather thimble and I have bought several of them. Enjoy your blogging break. See you in September.

  10. Enjoy the break - sometimes we all need that. I have slowed down on my computer time. Have a great 2 1/2 weeks of whatever. Looking forward to the progress on your quilting. I am waiting for September and hope that this heat wave is gone for the next 20 years! LOL. Take care, Hugs

  11. Your quilting is marvelous. I love watching the progress!

  12. Your whole cloth quilting is just beautiful, I admire your perseverance. Have a great blog break, and I’ll look forward to checking in with you again in September!
    Hugs, Tazzie xox
