Sunday, August 7, 2022

Welsh Beauty

Each stitch I make on Welsh Beauty is one stitch closer to the finish. I still have quite a bit to quilt but progress is being made!

Here is what I've accomplished over the past two weeks, from right to left.

I needed to use my scissors to mark my place for each picture. This is a LOT of crosshatching!

 Do you see the mistake in the first picture? I missed a 2" line! I'll have to unroll and stitch that line.

Here is the center of the the quilt. You can see the top of the center medallion peeking below the cross hatching.

And more cross hatching.

Still more cross hatching.

Finally to the left edge. I left off the duplicated cross hatching to the right of the scissors.

I have rolled and the corner design is appearing. Normally I quilt approximately 4" across each time. The next 4" of hand quilting will include a bottom feather or two of the longer pointy design. Here is a link to a photo of the whole quilt before quilting. I am about 4" above the top of the center medallion and 4" below the start of the corner design. There is probably at least 15" to be quilted.

I don't normally show all the cross stitching on the full swath across the quilt but today I did.

My first post about Welsh Beauty is dated September 5, 2021 but the quilting start in August 2021. I didn't write the exact date on the calendar. There have been a few changes from that post, I'm using variegated blue thread instead of brown.


  1. Wow Gretchen. Amazing. What a lot of cross hatching Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. Wow, that's a ton of cross hatch, but it create the background that makes the feather motifs really pop, so it's totally worth it!

  3. I love your quilting sooo much Gretchen!
    I’m glad you saw the missed crosshatching in these photos too!!! Lovely bits coming ahead 🥰. Kathi

  4. What a bummer on the 2 inches! I will tell you that I will NEVER be able to quilt my 2 - What an undertaking you have done Gretchen. Surly you will be keeping this one! Hugs

  5. Gorgeous! Thanks for showing your progress.

  6. it is looking really pretty - nice that you caught that area that you missed and can roll back down right away and get it before it gets forgotten again. You are moving along pretty good on this

  7. It looks amazing. Enjoy Slow Sunday Stitching.

  8. It's been awhile since I came to visit your blog, and I'm so happy to read this post! This is a pretty update on your quilting and I love the crosshatching! Wonderful job.

  9. Wow Gretchen, your work is so beautiful. It's going to be a stunner when finished.

  10. Your quilting is gorgeous, I never get tired of seeing it. Hope you have a great week!

  11. So beautiful! That is a lot of crosshatching but the effect is spectacular!

  12. It certainly is a beauty! I'm so enjoying watching your progress.

  13. Your Welsh Beauty is definitely a beauty! Love the texture of the cross hatching. What do you do while you are hand quilting? Listen to audio books or music?

  14. Great progress, Gretchen. I'm wonder what thimble you use? And what needle?

  15. That hand quilting is absolutely amazing, I love it.

  16. Beautiful pictures, as always, Gretchen. Thanks for showing us your beautiful stitches. Your posts always make me smile.
