Friday, July 1, 2022

More Churn Dash Blocks

Fourteen more churn dash blocks have been pieced for Chooky's SAL.

I've pieced a total of 30 blocks, 20 more are needed. I'll work on those in August.

I know how I want to set the blocks but I need to shop for sashing fabric. I think I can handle that easily enough.

Most of the fabric used in these blocks was given to me by my friend when she moved, thanks Deanna!

Linking to Stitch Sew & Show, Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. Nice! Lovely fabric! It’ll be a great quilt!

  2. I like the churn dash blocks but it has been years since I made one - are the two rectangular pieces different width? I can't quite tell by looking at the photo

  3. Moving right along!!! your fabrics on these are awesome!!!

  4. Looking Good Gretchen. Love the fabrics! Hugs - and I commented on time - Yea

  5. Just love what you are doing with these blocks!

  6. 30 blocks stitched, 20 more to go, you'll get them done in no time at all! I like the way you are using different neutrals for the background, I tend to be boring and don't mix things up like this.

  7. wow your on fire......they look great I love the colour combination.......

  8. Those are beautiful Civil War fabrics. Can't wait to see how you set them.

  9. You are making beautiful Churn Dash blocks with those pretty fabrics Gretchen, they really look great!

  10. Those look great! I love a churn dash block.

  11. these are lovely and Churn dash is one of my fave!

  12. A wonderful stack of churn dash blocks! Even more wonderful that the fabrics came from your dear friend!

  13. Love the red n brown combination.
