Tuesday, June 7, 2022


The blocks for month 8 of the Wildflower Woods BOM were 8 windmill blocks.

I should have left more room between the blocks in the above photo.

Ordinarily I avoid directional fabric as much as possible but since Wildflower Woods is a kit, I have to use the fabrics provided.

The background fabric and the pink fabric were both directional fabrics. I was extremely careful sewing these blocks together and I'm pleased to say, all the background fabric is the same direction! There were two directions the pink stripe fabric ended up but I was careful to make sure the stripe in each block was the same direction.

These blocks will all be trimmed and sewn into a single row eventually. I'm waiting to do that step until the center blocks are sewn together.

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Stitch Sew & Show, Put Your Foot Down,  Needle & Thread Thursday 


  1. These are such pretty blocks, the fabrics are gorgeous. I fail at figuring out how to cut directional fabric. Any tips?
    Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  2. I always find it hard using directional prints and at times I don't even think about that fact until I start to sew and see things facing the wrong direction - I have a pretty blue I want to use but really have to think about it because of that fact.

  3. I am amazed you could get the directional fabrics all going the same direction. The pink doesn't show up directional nearly as much as that background.

  4. Hey Gretchen
    I love these blocks and how you managed that directional fabric! Finally figured my iPad I recently inherited will let me sign in to your blog properly! Yahoo
    Have a blessed day… we are getting some much needed rain here đŸ˜„Kathi

  5. Don't you love it when things just end up all being the same direction!? Very pretty!

  6. I didn’t even notice the pink was directional… KUDOS for a fabulous job getting all those block pieces going in the same direction. Amazing.

  7. Love the pinwheels. Going to be interesting when all put together! Agree on the directional fabrics. There is a trick to doing it. Hugs

  8. Beautiful. Wonderful job getting all things lined up like you like. I am one, however, who doesn't care if they all go the same direction. It is hard enough for me to even cut and sew, so if it is wonky, and bothers some one else, that is their problem not mine. It stays.

  9. Lovely blocks! Ah, the planned vs unplanned! I too don't think about the direction until AFTER I've sewn and then spot it! By then I'm in the "unexpected adds interest" camp!
    Well done getting things lined up so well.

  10. Your blocks are just beautiful, and I love that you managed to get the background fabric all running in the same direction. Little details like that really make me happy.
    Hope you're having a great week

  11. Lovely blocks! Lot of careful planning in those blocks. So worth it. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
