Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Wildflower Woods Finish!

The borders have been sewn to Wildflower woods. The flimsy is almost completely finished and measures 78.5" by 90.5".

The narrow border finishes at 3". I cut the outside border at 7.5" which is a different size than what the pattern called for.

There is enough of the outside floral border fabric left that I am going to add broderie perse to the light fabric triangles of the center. That applique will have to wait until all the applique blocks for Hearts & Wreaths are finished.

Wildflower Woods is #4 on my challenge list for 2022.

Last week someone asked me if I enjoyed working from a kit or if I preferred working from my stash. I liked most of the fabrics in the kit but there were some I liked better than the others. The brown outside floral border is nice but the same fabric design was originally available with a black background. There was a small piece of that fabric used in another block, I like the black background so much better than the brown. That black background would have really made the pink in the narrow border pop.

I would have to say my preference really is working from my stash. 

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Stitch Sew & Show, Put Your Foot Down


  1. Wildflower woods is beautiful, and I love the big border on it. I look forward to seeing your broderie perse.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  2. Ery pretty quilt. I like you assessment of a Kit versus using one’s stash! Hugs

  3. I prefer stash over kits, but sometimes you just have to have the kit. It is lovely!

  4. It finished up very nicely! I too prefer stash over a kit but I do love kits for mini quilts and other quick projects that make a great break from the usual!

  5. It's gorgeous, Gretchen! I'm with you as far as kits go -- every time I buy a kit, I end up regretting it. It's the difference between sewing with fabrics that you like to make a quilt that looks like a lot of other people's quilts, versus sewing with fabrics that you LOVE to make a one-of-a-kind quilt full of all your personal favorites. Plus, actually SEWING from the stash helps to justify "replenishment purchases." And less danger of running out of fabric if you make a cutting mistake!

  6. I think I might have liked the black background better too, but your quilt is so wonderful that I love the brown too. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Wow, that is stunning! Beautiful finish!

  8. Pretty! Can't wait to see the final finish!

  9. it looks wonderful........so pretty.....adding some applique to the triangles will be lovely.....
    The advantage of a kit is the mix you can get if you don't have the fabrics in your stash....but its nice using your stash.........
