Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Just For Fun

I've been really pushing myself to sew the flimsy for the Wildflower Woods BOM. I'm rather tired of brown and pink right now. Sometimes you just need to sit and sew something completely different than what you've been working on.

A month ago, Jo posted about a quilt she was making called Red Diamond Crumb blocks. To me, they looked like weird log scrappy cabin blocks.

I pulled a baggie of small pieces and started piecing blocks. Not all of my scraps were pieces, some were strips that needed to be used. I also added some borders to separate some of the rows.

Right now this this flimsy measures 27.5" by 32". I'm not making a large quilt, a crib quilt will be fine. 

I've put it away for now but the next time the urge strike me to  just sit and sew, I'll pull this out and finish it.

By the way, Jo has finished her Red Diamond quilt

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Stitch Sew & Show, Put Your Foot Down,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Off The Wall Friday, Oh Scrap


  1. This looks like the perfect project for those times when you just need to sew something. I like the way you added some borders - it helps the eye rest. ~Jeanne

  2. sometimes we do get tired of certain colors don't we - I think that is one reason I stopped working on one of my quilts last year - the colors were not bright enough for me - I do need to dig it out one of these days though and try to finish it up and then a different one that I got tired of the colors of also

  3. I totally agree with getting tired of working on the same thing. Change is good. I got bogged down with preparing applique so the Churn dash helped with boredom. Hugs

  4. What a fun quilt! Hopefully it worked to get your mojo back so you feel like finishing the other project. Some projects seem to go on forever, and you need a project just like this! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Great looking crumb quilt - I love to work with crumbs!

  6. Ohhhh! Love it, great use of your crumbs. Keep adding to it, it looks to me like it wants more.

  7. Always good to do some R & R quilting. Keeps you at the machine, the results can surprise and it is so, so soothing.

  8. Easy stitching that distracts from a longer project and all for a cute baby quilt. Brilliant.

  9. I really like how bright and cheery this looks!
