Thursday, May 5, 2022

String X Blocks

Another project that made progress at retreat were the String X blocks. I sewed the dark red triangles onto the scrappy rectangles.

Each individual blocks measures 7.25" because I messed up and cut the red triangles 5" instead of 5.5". It really does make a difference! 

I'll add red borders when the center is sewn together. Two red fabrics were used from my mom's stash. All of the darker red is gone, a different darker red was used for the rest of the blocks. 

Now I need to sew the individual blocks into larger blocks using 4 blocks.

String X is a free Bonnie Hunter pattern. I did not use paper to piece the string rectangles, I used old thin muslin.

Linking to Stitch Sew & Show, Put Your Foot Down,  Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. great use of scraps!! next year I need to buckle down and get the scrap bins out and press fabric, cut and sew

  2. Wow that looks like a lot of work. So frustrating when you cut the wrong size and love that you made it work. This will be a very interesting quilt when its finished. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
