Saturday, May 7, 2022

Pink Shoo-flys

I intended to piece pink shoo-fly blocks for Star Dance at retreat. All the HST's were pieced but when I went to sew the individual blocks, I had forgotten the squares for the center!

Here are the pink and red shoo-fly block even though they were supposed to have been made in April. Better late then never! I'm only showing half of the blocks made, 30 in pink . . .

32 in Reds. I don't want to take a whole year to finish Star Dance so I'm making the color of the month along with a related color.

Green and teals have been pulled to make the shoo-fly blocks for May. The blocks will finish at 4". 

This is a link to the Star Dance pattern. My Star Dance quilt won't look exactly like the pattern. 

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap.


  1. It takes a LOT of 4" squares to make a quilt, but it's so worth the time once done. These are so cute. They made me think of little jewels.

  2. No greens for me yet either,I'm working on pink today lol luv your blocks!

  3. Oh, those little shoo-fly blocks are adorable! They make me want to dive into my stash for some pretty pinks to make my own little Shoo Fly quilt. I've made the mistake of forgetting something planned for a retreat - we have to roll with it, don't we?

    1. One time I went to the Dear Jane retreat and forgot to take along my just finished Jane quilt! Fortunately I live close so I could run home and pick it up so I could receive my crown!

  4. You always have the loveliest blocks on the go, tiny little cuties, aren't they!

  5. they are such lovely blocks...........
