Saturday, May 14, 2022

Green & Turquoise Shoo-fly Blocks

This last week I sewed green and turquoise shoo-fly blocks for my Star Dance quilt. I'm only showing half the blocks since I made 2 of each fabric.

20 green blocks -

I didn't use sage or forest greens for my blocks. 

22 turquoise blocks

Here is a link to the original Star Dance pattern. My quilt isn't going to look exactly like the pattern.

Spring is finally here but it went straight into hot weather. I tried to take a picture of this oriole eating grape jelly at the feeder. I didn't notice that squirrel snoozing on the tree limb until afterwards. Apparently he thinks it's the dog days of summer now.

I haven't had a flower pot set in the center of the tree stump for several years. The grandsons are old enough to be careful when they jump off the edge.

Linking to Patchwork & Quilts, Scrap Happy Saturday


  1. your blocks look great - love the sleeping squirrel. sounds like you have the weather we have - yes went straight to hot weather and bypassed a nice long spring

  2. Cute shoo_fly blocks. That squirrel is so funny. Great shot, Gretchen.
    Love The flowers on your yard.

  3. Your blocks are adorable, but the squirrel steals the show! Love that photo, it made me laugh out loud!

  4. Pretty blocks. I always love seeing pictures of squirrels, they look so cute. Dont know if they are a nuisance in the garden though?

  5. Beautiful shoo-fly blocks, they look pretty all together by color.
    Fun photo of the squirrel ;)) Your garden looks lovely too.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

  6. Love these shoo fly blocks... that squirrel caught my attention before the oriole did... sleeping he is you say... I thought he was caught in mid gallop to get the bird or the bird food... grape jelly sounds interesting sort of bird food too! Sorry you had to miss spring from winter to summer and now time to mow for you! Have a wonderful Sunday my friend..... Kathi

  7. Love those shoo fly blocks! You will be making you own quilt and probably rename it! It went from medium hot winter to hot hot summer - yesterday the thermometer read 107 !!! Lovely! Hugs

    1. WOW! That is HOT! We did hit 90 one day but it's the humidity that gets you. Fortunately the humidity has fallen and the warm days are very pleasant now.

  8. My complaint about spring is that it is so short! We had sunshine then thundershowers today. All I got done was laundry. Just so active for an old lady!
