Sunday, February 27, 2022

Welsh Beauty

There was a lot of the center medallion to quilt in this row. Even though there are feathers to be quilted, they quilt faster than the cross hatching.

As you can see from the photos, I didn't quilt those horizontal fronds, I quilted around them. After I had quilted everything else, I rolled enough to quilt them.

Here are the sections that were quilted after the short roll. Compare these pictures with the above photos.

Now the quilting is even across the quilt. I'll roll and start quilting again.

This is a link to the first post about Welsh Beauty. It has information about thread and batting. I did change the color thread for the feathers and flowers. I'm using a variegated blue thread instead of beige/brown.

Are you tired of hearing about my Amaryllis flowers? This is the last time I'll talk about them this winter.

Remember that one bulb I showed you earlier, the one that was taking forever to bloom? It's blooming now! It's a lovely ruffled red Amaryllis with 2 flower stalks.

The first stalk has 4 flowers, the second stalk has 5 flowers! What a lovely end to the Amaryllis season.

This pot is a picture of the baby planter. (Which Blogger has kindly put at the end of the post) All of the baby bulbs are in this pot. One of 'babies' was mature enough to flower, it's a lovely apple blossom flower!

I've marked that bulb with a plastic fork so I can keep track of it. When I plant the bulbs outside this spring, I'll gently pull that one out of of the bunch and plant it with the larger bulbs.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. Your quilt is absolutely stunning!

  2. Beautiful amaryllis, Gretchen.
    Your quilting is so incredibly perfect, I wish I could see it in person.

  3. I think the amaryllis are pretty - I have one the leafs first started to sprout out now - another the bulb is a little green at the time showing but no leaf still - maybe it is still alive. They are very slow though.
    love the quilting!

  4. I love your quilting photos of your amazing progress on your whole cloth... I think you will be pleased with your color change in the parts that are now blue instead of tan! When those blue lines are soaked out it will show stunningly in person best of all!
    I can't get enough of your amaryllis blooms... please keep showing them as long as they are blooming... we need prettyness in the midst of such unrest!

  5. Beautiful progress with your quilting, these feathers are lovely. You have a LOT of amaryllis ;))

  6. Beautiful quilting. As is your amaryllis!

  7. Beautiful quilting, and love your amaryllis! I don't get tired of seeing them. Mine bloomed and then it was gone, and I only have the one. Happy stitching!

  8. I always enjoy seeing your quilting progress on this gorgeous quilt, and seeing the flower photos too. Have a happy stitching week.

  9. Your quilting is absolutely gorgeous!!! Beautiful!

  10. Astonishing quilting! The amaryllis obviously loves living with you!

  11. Your quilting is beautiful, Gretchen. Your blooms have me dreaming of Spring. Have a great week. Happy quilting.

  12. Beautiful!! I sing the praises of your quilting and of your steadfast efforts on this quilt! The amaryllis are gorgeous, too! Happy quilting this week!

  13. Your Welsh Beauty is moving along very quickly! Those amaryllis are just amazing this year, and babies too. Enjoy your week, Gretchen. 🧵

  14. That two tone amarylis with all those flowers is gorgeous! Your quilting is so very pretty. Enjoy your stitching!

  15. Gorgeousness! The quilting is exquisite and so are the blooms!

  16. I can't wait to see Welsh Beauty all done. It's gonna be spectacular.

  17. I know you find the crosshatch quilting tedious, but isn't the texture wonderful? I've never attempted hand quilting something that big, but often do small quilts with crosshatch, and look forward to finishing that part just because I love the texture of it. Watching your progress is fascinating and inspiring.

  18. Beautiful flowers! Love the quilting you are doing, I can imagine the lovely dimpled texture under my fingertips, and feeling the wonderful softness that is creating.

  19. The quilting is really amazing!

  20. I had my first amaryllis this year with your inspiration. loved it How do you get babies?

  21. You are making great progress on your Welsh Beauty, Gretchen! At first I was in awe of how you were able to mark the designs so precisely with such clear, fine lines -- then I went back to the earlier post and saw that the design was premarked by the Stencil Company. I like what you're doing with the blue thread for your feathers and the natural colored thread in the background. Also, if I had Amaryllis like that I'd want to tell everyone about them, too -- gorgeous!!!

  22. As it always is in quilting, the background may seem boring or an afterthought but it sets the stage for those foreground swags and flourishes. That cross hatched back drop makes the accent motifs pop!
