Sunday, February 13, 2022

Welsh Beauty, Another Roll

Quilting this row was so much fun! I had a lot of the center medallion to quilt, a welcome relief from cross hatching.

Here is the row, from left to right.

There was supposed to be another picture in that bunch. The quilt is symmetrical. In between picture 1 and 2, should be a photo that is the same as picture 3 but turned around, if that makes any sense. 

The 2022 Hands 2 Help Kick Off  starts today. Sarah is unable to manage coordinating the drive this year so Mari has volunteered to do the organizing for her. You can read about it here. 

We had snow after it rained so the snow stuck to the trees. I took photos, the first photo looking east toward the trees bordering our driveway.

The 2nd picture is looking west toward the west fence row of the heifer pasture which in the wintertime becomes the sledding hill.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. When I grow up I want to quilt just like you! Oh my goodness, your quilting is divine. The white cloth shows your quilting expertise to perfection. How glorious your wintry landscape looks.....but it does look freezing.

  2. I love you quilting, as usual. Your wintry landscape is beautiful. It is snowing here as I write this.

  3. We are due for cold weather again here in NC but I hope no more snow as we are not accustomed to so much! lol Sorry all your pics didn't load as you wanted ... thus why I left blogger ... but the ones that did are AWESOME and you can see your beautiful stitching throughout! Thanks for sharing your excellent progress... and don't let the little hiccups get to ya... At least you got to share most of what you had on mind :D

  4. Beautiful hand quilting, these whole cloth quilts take awhile to turn down. They are so rewarding when the quilting makes the fabric comes alive. Hopefully spring will be here soon.

  5. Your quilting is beautiful! This quilt will be awesome. Your snowy pictures are pretty - I do prefer looking out at the snow these days versus being out in the snow. It looks like great quilting weather. ~Jeanne

  6. the snow is beautiful - what kind of batting are you using in the quilt - very lovely loft to it from what the photos show

  7. From one hand quilter to another...beautiful!!! I agree with Maggie's comment...the quilting makes the fabric come to life!! I love winter and the pretty pics we can get after a storm.

  8. Your quilt matches your landscape! And both are lovely.

  9. Each picture is prettier than the last! So much detail! I absolutely love watching your progress!

  10. Gorgeous quilting! Love seeing your progress!

  11. I love this quilt, and do so enjoy watching your quilting progress each week. Snow scenes always look pretty, but I'm sure its rather cold.

  12. It is gorgeous, Gretchen!!! Love seeing your progress and admiring your hand quilting.
    Amazing photos, but it is too cold outside, isn't it?

    1. The temperature did get above freezing last week and a lot of snow melted. Then it was back down again below freezing which means lots of ice! It's winter and we have to expect cold temperatures.

  13. You know, I have 2 of the pre printed quilt tops. Somehow they have not gotten done….LOL. But yours is beautiful. Your stitches are so beautiful! All the pictures are show your hand quilting skills very well. Hugs

    1. There is a LOT of stitching on these whole cloth quilts and very time consuming. I quilted a lot yesterday, just don't care about the super bowl.

  14. Absolutely fabulous quilting Gretchen. Love the snow photos. We don't get snow where I live. We don;t even get frosts!

  15. Wow, such intricate quilting. It's going to be beautiful

  16. Beautiful quilting! Snowscapes are so pretty, especially if you don't have to get out in them.
