Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Double Delight

For my first quilt project of 2022, I've decided on Double Delight. Double Delight was a Quiltville Mystery (it's down at the bottom of the list) from years ago. I thought it was from 2008 but that's the copyright date at the top of the instructions. The post is dated 2005 so I really have no idea what year this mystery was from.

I'm making my quilt larger than Bonnie's instructions specify. I've been making 3" finished blue 9 patches off and on for several years and had a whole basket of them ready to go. For my size quilt, I need 42 double 9 patch blocks which will finish at 9".

Bonnie's mysteries usually consist of two blocks, the main showy block and an alternate block that often makes a chain of some kind. The 9 patches are the alternate block. 

I had pieced one of the rolling stone blocks just to see if I liked my selected fabrics and I do!

The blocks are on point for this quilt which is why I did so for the picture. The rolling stone block does rather overpower the 9 patch blocks, hopefully everything will look fine when the quilt is finished.

Now to start piecing the main blocks. The center 9 patch blocks are already pieced of course. The next section will be the yellow center square in a square blocks. 

I need 56 finished rolling stone blocks which means I need 224 square/square blocks. There are always a lot of pieces in Bonnie's mysteries.

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down, Stitch Sew & Show,  Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. I looked at Bonnie's colors and yours is so much prettier. I think that your blues will really pop (the center block). Great project. I downloaded it for MAYBE future use. I miss making the 3" 9 patches! Hugs

  2. that will be very pretty when done - Bonnie does seem to be obsessed with little pieces

  3. I love 9-patches--they're just so fun! This is looking great!

  4. It’s going to be amazing! Yes, there are lots of pieces in Bonnie’s quilts! That’s what makes them special !

  5. I love your rendition of Bonnie’s double delight quilt! I can’t wait to see more of the main blocks mixed with your beautiful 9 patches you already have made… have fun!

  6. How great is it that you already had a basket of nine-patches ready to go! I love that Rolling Stone block along with the nine-patches and I don't think it's overpowering. Great colors. This will be a stunner.
    Thank you for joining up with To Do Tuesday!

  7. A basket full of blue nine patch makes you to be half way there.
    Now you will focus on the other block and quickly your quilt will be assembled.
    This is a smart idea when you make a quilt with "zilions" of pieces.

  8. Double Delight is the only mystery quilt I've finished (Keryn helped) and I love it.It was a really nice pattern to sew and I look forward to seeing your version take shape

  9. That looks like a lot of fun!! And how perfect that you have so many 9-patches ready to go. What a lovely use of your tiny pieces!!

  10. You are off to a fabulous start on Double Delight Gretchen. I love Bonnie's designs. Your Welsh Beauty is looking amazing as well. Happy quilting.

  11. This will definitely be a delightful quilt, Gretchen! Those tiny blue and yellow squares just shimmer and sparkle!

  12. Double Delight had been on my list of quilts to make for a long time. Then I lost the pattern in a computer crash. Your color choices are fabulous. That is going to be a very striking quilt.

    1. Follow the link to Bonnie's free patterns and you'll find it.

  13. What a lovely combination of blocks! Those colors are very pretty. This will be a gorgeous quilt when you get it done. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. Love the blue and yellow together, this is going to be beautiful. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
