Saturday, January 29, 2022

Star Dance to be Finished in 2022!

My goal for 2022 is to finish up RSC projects already started.

Back in 2018 I finished piecing a flimsy called Star Dance. Here is a link to the last post I wrote about Star Dance. She has been waiting to be quilted for several years.

Every time I decided she was next on the hand quilting frame, she said No!, she wants to be made larger. In 2022, I am going to finally add size to this flimsy and make her into bed quilt. Of course she'll be hand quilted.

She measures 60" by 70" right now.

Here is a link to the Star Dance pattern.

I'm envisioning a border of sawtooth stars. I took the time to sketch out my plan and made measurements. I need forty 6" stars but that works out to only 4 stars a month for 10 months. I want to move faster than that. 

Pink is related to red and since the pink fabrics are stored in the same box as the red fabrics, I made both colors this month. 

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. Gretchen, I think she's gorgeous just as she is but that border will add so much. I am in love!!

  2. great idea to add stars and more border so she can be used as a bed quilt it is a really great quilt

  3. This is already gorgeous. I can't wait to see the border added. ~Jeanne

  4. It is a beauty, and the stars border will make it the size you need/want.

  5. I always admire people patient enough for beautiful borders. They do add so much to the quilt! It is going to be amazing.

  6. Jumping on the fast track to an expanded and completed RSC quilt top, are you, Gretchen? It looks like you are off to a good start!

  7. Dear Gretchen,
    So true, this year I am working on projects that need to get finished. Only working on the shoo-fly blocks for Omygosh this year. It will allow me to quilt a few tops that has been waiting for a while in a Rubbermaid tub. With the super cold weather, it is the right projects to work on. Stay warm and safe.

  8. Your Star Dance is such a beautiful quilt! I like your idea to make it larger with the star border. I had a peek at the other lovely things on your blog. New follower! :)

  9. Stars are my favorite kind of block and your Star Dance quilt is spectacular. The appliques around the outer edges are really pretty!

  10. A good idea Gretchen. I like to make quilts that are useful, and fit a decent size bed. I love stars. It shouldn't be too much of an effort to make them. Will you stitch them to the applique border or remove that, and redo later? LOL! BTW the quilt is lovely.

    1. The applique is staying where it is. The way it is should appear on the top of the mattress. I will add more than just the stars but haven't decided what's next after them.

  11. I love that your quilt told you she was not ready for quilting yet and wants to grow larger! Of course, you listened.

  12. Always best to listen to the quilt... especially when they know what they want! Great solution and your stars are looking great. (I'd throw purple in there too.... it has shades of red in it!)

  13. Star Dance will look fantastic with those stars as the border!

  14. A border of saw tooth stars will look fabulous around the border of your lovely quilt. I can only imagine how you quilt it. I am thinking this quilt must have knew what 'she' was doing, waiting for you.

  15. I love the border it has now. I can't imagine another one so I'll wait to see what you are planning. I'm sure it will be gorgeous! Enjoy! ;^)

  16. Enjoy all those sawtooth stars... if life doesn't get in the way they may even get done in short order too <3 8 done already and the center looks beautiful!

  17. Sometimes there's a good reason a top waits to be quilted. It was lovely as it was, but it will be even more amazing with new pieced borders, and more visible on a bed. Good luck!

  18. I LOVE your quilt top, but yes, it will be even more beautiful with another border ;)
    I wonder why a quilt is a "she" in English? Is there some explanation like for a ship?
    Thank you for linking up today ;)

  19. What a lovely quilt! I envisioned the stars in colors pulled from the main quilt and the first gorgeous border, but the limited color palette of stars will really bring attention to the outer border. Can't wait to see the finished quilt....thank you for sharing such a masterpiece! Deb E

  20. I have had quilts like that too. It is good that you are listening and proceeding to add a border. Both of you will be happier!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh scrap!

  21. Will be interesting to see the finished quilt. Lot of work in the quilt and it will be a beauty when finished!

  22. I love what you and the quilt have planned for her this year!

  23. That is going to be one gorgeous quilt. She really DOES need to be displayed on a bed!
