Sunday, January 23, 2022

Hearts & Wreaths, Block 10

I started appliqueing the blocks for Hearts & Wreaths last August. I've just completed block 10 so I am making progress.

The original pattern calls for 20 blocks which will make a quilt that finishes 80" by 96". I'm thinking of making 25 blocks and ending up with a square quilt, I'll make a final decision after I've finished 20 blocks. If I can keep finishing 2 blocks a month, the decision will be made in June or July.

I arranged the finished blocks on the display floor. They look very nice except the yellow background fabric never photographs the true color. It really isn't that washed out yellow!

As usual, here is a link to my first post about the Hearts & Wreaths quilt.

All of you who have followed my blog for awhile know that I grow Amaryllis bulbs in the winter so I can have some colorful flowers during the dreary gray days of winter.

Amaryllis are kind of weird. Last summer all of my bulbs grew outside in the same flowerbed. They were all lifted from the soil the same time last fall, rinsed of soil then laid in my garden wagon to dry. They were all carried down to the cellar the same day and then all potted the same day.

Here are two of my Amaryllis plants. The tall one is going to be blooming in two weeks, the other one? Maybe in April or May?

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. Love to see all blocks beautiful!
    So, it looks like you will have Amaryllis flowers for a long time, this year.
    Have a great week, Gretchen.

  2. Our amaryllis had so many flowers this year that it toppled over onto the floor and all the flowers broke off! Next time, I will have to provide extra support! Your wreath blocks are gorgeous!

  3. Gorgeous appliqué Gretchen, this will be such a happy vibrant quilt!
    Hugs, Tazzie

  4. Gretchen, all of the blocks together are so lovely. This is going to be another gorgeous quilt. ~Jeanne

  5. Your blocks are beautiful. It is nice to see them all together on you "design floor". That made me chuckle because that is what I have also. Nature always goes by its own timetable. I am happily watching birds begin to set up house in my neighbor's birdhouses. It seems too early, but maybe they know something I don't.

  6. Those heart and wreath blocks are so beautiful in the scrappy fun fabrics! I am enjoying watching this grow.

  7. your blocks are beautiful! I had my amaryllis outside too and brought them all in the same day I am still waiting to see if any of them will grow!! not one sign of growth still on them this year other than the two newest ones that I bought in early December

  8. Such pretty blocks. The quilt will be gorgeous no matter what the size!

  9. Each of these blocks is prettier than the last one! Good luck with the amarylis, it's nice to have flowers in winter. I must admit, I keep staring at the blue and white and yellow quilt behind your flowers. What a great arrangement for the blocks!

  10. Your Hearts and Wreaths blocks are looking great! I hope you do 25 for a nice big quilt of these :)
    I love your amaryllis about to bloom... and the stubborn one holding out for later.... is this like the groundhog maybe and a sign that winter won't end early???? lol

  11. Your applique blocks are so beautiful! I love them on that yellow background, even if the color doesn't show up quite right.

  12. I really love your Hearts and Wreath quilt. It is a fun project. Your colors are not overbearing and all blends in well. Sounds like you are enjoying the process. Hugs

  13. Those are such beautiful blocks! You're making great progress on them.

  14. Beautiful blocks! I bought an amaryllis bulb for the first time before Christmas, and mine has bloomed already. I have it in a sunny kitchen window. Happy stitching!

  15. WOW! Your blocks are showing their beauty more and more with every addition to the group. Agree, amaryllis are SO weird. I've only ever grown the boxed ones and they do the same thing. That happened with two I planted the week before Christmas. The one is blooming beautifully, four blooms on the first spike, and the 2nd spike sitting at the base, just outside the bulb. No leaves yet. Meanwhile, the 2nd bulb looked dead for the longest time. Eventually I could see a bud coming, but sat low while leaves came out. Now at least, the spike has come on up and looks like it will hold off til the flowers on the 1st bulb finish. Maybe the 2nd spike on the 1st will wait. At least this way, I get more enjoyment for a longer period of time.

    Thanks for sharing the how-to for next year. What do you do with them once they finish blooming now, until spring? Then, when you put them outside, do you put them in the garden? Or leave them in the pot? Do you put them into shade/light? You've got me inspired to try this for next year. THANKS SO MUCH for the secrets to success!!

    1. I'll write some info in the next post about the Amaryllis. The bud opened faster than I expected, beautiful white flowers!

  16. I am thinking all amaryllis bulbs have a mind of their own. =) They truly do have a beautiful flower, don't they. How gorgeous all your hearts wreaths look. This quilt is going to be especially lovely. I can just imagine when all stitched together, how your amazing quilting will transform what is already beautiful to a whole other stratosphere.

  17. My Amaryllis bulbs from last year have produced leaves but no flower stalk..... maybe if I hold out until April or May???? lol

    1. If they don't bloom this year, don't throw the bulb out. Just over summer it and try again next winter. Give it some liquid fertilizer the next time you water it. I've had years too when they don't all bloom.

  18. Your applique blocks are stunning all laid out. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  19. Seeing all the blocks together is stunning, Gretchen. I have never tried growing an amaryllis.Looking forward to seeing the blooms. Happy quilting.

  20. Those heart and wreaths blocks are gorgeous! It's going to be a pretty fabulous quilt.

  21. I love those blocks and seeing them laying together just "ups" the happy feeling. So cheerful. My MIL used to have amaryllis each winter. Such an elegant plant.

  22. All the hearts and wreath blocks together are so so beautiful!

  23. Your blocks look so pretty all laid out together!

  24. You really are tootling along on those applique blocks, they are all so pretty.

  25. Love the happy APPLIQUE blocks.

  26. love the background quilts too~ Some of us, like the amaryllises are early bloomers and others are late bloomers. We all will get the job done, but in our won time.
