Sunday, December 5, 2021

Quilting Across Welsh Beauty

Another swath across Welsh Beauty has been quilted, again mostly crosshatching. If you look in the middle of the second photo, you can see the start of the center design. Let me remind you, this isn't the center of the quilt, it's just the start of the center design.

The quilting from right to left . . .

After I roll, I think I'll start quilting in the center!

Here is link to the first post about Welsh Beauty.

I'm flying to Phoenix Saturday and have written posts to publish while I'm gone. 

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. All that cross hatching is stunning. Enjoy your trip, Gretchen.

  2. I love to see your quilting each week. Even just cross-hatching. This is a gorgeous whole-cloth quilt.

  3. Gorgeous, it is a master piece!!!
    Enjoy your trip.
    Now, that song "By the time I get to Phoenix" is in my mind.

  4. So beautiful! I love the feathers with the heart design!

  5. Gretchen, I just caught up on your blog…your Welsh Beauty is speeding along! Your border is inspiring me, since I am working out from the center with a hoop. I love the Orange sherbet quilt, not an orange fan, but this is just pretty! Enjoy your time in Phoenix!

  6. Welsh Beauty is coming along splendidly! Have a great time in Phoenix!

  7. I always love seeing your beautiful quilting. Have a wonderful time away, and you are very organized to have blog posts ready to go while you are away.

  8. Amazing! Your stitches look so consistent. Enjoy your slow stitching time.

  9. Your quilting is gorgeous, Gretchen . Safe travels on your trip.

  10. I just love to see your quilting progress!

  11. All of that hand quilting is beautiful! You're making awesome progress!

  12. The crosshatching may be boring, but the texture is still wonderful, and it goes quickly too. Soon you will once again be making the intricate areas in the center.

  13. Your hand quilted crosshatching is just stunning, Gretchen. However boring it may be to stitch, the impact is so worth it! Have a fun and safe trip to Phoenix!
