Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Embroidered Double Wedding Ring Flimsy

I have met my goal of completing 3 flimsys before the end of the  year. I thought I could but  you never know what life is going to throw at you.

My oldest UFQ is finished! What a feeling of relief and the guilt is gone!!!! I embroidered the blocks at least 25 years  ago and it's been waiting all this time!

The blocks had been sewn together and were waiting for a finish. I laid the center on the display floor then auditioned several blues for the border. Those blues ranged from deep dark black/blue to cobalt blues to light blues. This medium dark blue was the one that just looked right. As I was adding the borders, I noticed how close in color this fabric was to the darker blue embroidery thread. The fabric looks darker than it is in real life.

After the border came the 6" finished stars. They're framed with lovely white rosebud fabric then finishing with an outside border of blue that will finish at 4.5". I should have cut the border at 5.5" but I forgot, oh well. This isn't a large quilt, it finishes at 80" by 96" but it will do.

For now the flimsy will be stored in the to be quilted closet until I know how to quilt it. I'll probably have this one long arm quilted someday.

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Stitch Sew & Show Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday, UFO Busting, Oh  Scrap


  1. This is so, so pretty - with the beautiful embroidery and stars surrounding it all. Looking forward to how it will be quilted.

  2. Beautiful!!! My advice--get it right to the longarm quilter. She'll know how to quilt it. So exquisite.

    1. I'm not even considering hand quilting this quilt, definitely long arm quilting.

  3. What a beautiful treasure! Love that rosebud background and the embroidery is so pretty. I look forward to seeing it quilted!
    Thanks for linking to To Do Tuesday. :)

  4. What a beautiful quilt! Heirloom now with age!

  5. It’s lovely! The blues are just right!

  6. Hi,
    Beautiful! Love all those colors of
    blue together. Have a great day!

  7. OWO Gretchen, this is another beauty!

  8. It looks amazing! The blue stars finish it off perfectly. It's a great feeling to finally complete these long term projects, isn't it?

  9. wow! I love seeing the whole design. Your stitchery is so lovely making the double wedding ring pattern. Your sawtooth stars and borders frame it so very well. Congrats on the long UFO

  10. Your quilt top is stunning, Gretchen. Every time I see one of your quilts especially the blue ones I want to start a new one. I have a question. I have wanted to start an embroidery quilt that is prestamped. Should I cut the blocks apart and then embroider them or embroider them as a whole and then cut on the dotted lines? Any help would be appreciated. happy quilting.

    1. I would leave the blocks together on the fabric then trim to size after embroidery. That's how I do anyway. These blocks came prestamped with 2 blocks on the fabric. I think it's just easier that way. Happy stitching!

  11. Congratulations on completing your 100 days goal. The embroidery on these blocks looks so precise and lovely and time consuming. I am loving all you blue quilts. I show they to my husband who loves blue and white quilts and even he can see the beauty and the work involved. Thank you for sharing your quilting with me ... :) Pat

  12. I'll bet you are so happy that this one will no longer keep nagging at you to"put me together"! Now it will be saying "ok, get me all the way finished"! Don't your quilts talk to you? Why are you looking at ME like that?

  13. Lovely quilt, and a great way to finish off those embroidered blocks!

  14. It is beautiful. Great job finishing up an old UFO. It definitely deserves to be completed. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. Amazing and a finish after 25 years. . WOW!

  16. So pretty! It's been a long time coming but now the top is finally done. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
