Saturday, September 18, 2021

Orange Scrappy Sprouts

I pieced 5 orange scrappy sprouts blocks. Orange isn't my favorite color but I pieced them anyway. I'm not sure about the top block, the light peach fabrics don't blend with the orange fabrics. I think they have a pinkish tint. That block just may not make it into my quilt.

Here is a link to the pattern for Scrappy Sprouts.

Linking to Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap


  1. They will add some nice variety to the finished quilt even if they are not your favorite.

  2. they all blend together well - I have some that a little more pinkish or yellow in the end it gets done and overall orange

  3. Those are happy! I like how you're making their stems orange, too.

  4. I’m sure when you put all your sprouts together they will look just fine! If not, then by all means edit the peachy one out! I like the same color stems too! Mine are all green! Some day I’ll finish it! LOL!

  5. Happy orange scrappy sprouts blocks, Gretchen.

  6. They look nice. Can't wait to see them altogether.

  7. Very pretty. If you decide that the top block is too pink, you can always save it for next year's pink month!?!

    1. Except I'm afraid they'd look orange when placed with pink fabrics! Salmon is just one of those colors that is hard to blend.

  8. That pinkish block looks really good at the top - makes me think of a hot summer day and how the top foliage and flowers are always a bit 'bleached out' in comparison to others on the plant. Lovely! Deb E
