Saturday, August 14, 2021

Teal/Aqua Scrappy Sprouts

I made 5 scrappy sprouts blocks for RSC. 

I like blue teal/aqua better than green teal but I've used both shades. I don't know if I got the lights to darks staggered as well as I would have like to have done, that's challenging!


  1. you did great! i thought that right away when i saw the pic; how you had graded the colors so nicely! i really need to put the sprout blocks on my RSC list one year- i always love them when i see others do them. maybe RSC22....

    1. I felt the same way, so I started piecing scrappy sprouts last year. I'll lay out all the blocks this fall and see what I think. I really have no idea how big this is going to be but I love all the other sprouts I've seen. It's a great project for RSC.

  2. The sprouts leaves turned out just right! Great job of grading the colors!

  3. your sprouts are looking good! thanks for sharing the link!

  4. Dear Gretchen,
    Beautiful sprouts in aqua. It is a colour which is super calming and very relaxing. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Those scrappy sprouts look so pretty!

  6. I'm with Jennifer - I do admire your sprouts and really need to follow through on starting some of my own soon! Such perfect blocks for the RSC!

  7. I love love love your color changing sprouts! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  8. Seeing your teal sprouts reminded me that I haven’t finished my scrappy sprouts quilt from last year! Oh no! What’s stopping me? A trip to the UFO closet/tote is in order! Wish me luck! LOL!

  9. Your sprouts are fabulous, Gretchen. Thank you so much for providing the link to the pattern . I see some sprouts in my future. Lol Happy quilting.
