Friday, August 6, 2021

RSC Jumbo Granny Squares Flimsy

I started making the jumbo granny squares pattern for RSC but then got tired of waiting and just sewed squares from my 2.5" box, does that ever happen to you? The best thing about piecing 18" finished blocks is it doesn't take very many to make a quilt top.

It didn't take long to sew these 12 blocks together using sashing and cornerstones. The yellow of the cornerstones was also used in all of the blocks, that was the only constant fabric in this quilt. The HST's were made with a variety of black fabrics. 

The sashing fabric was fabrics left from older projects, even the outside sashing was utilized from the cut off backing of another quilt project.

The flimsy measures 62.5" by 82".

This quilt top will be donated to the comforter bash. The normal comforter bash won't be held this fall like I had thought it would. They're concerned about having 200 plus people in an indoor area knotting comforters. We don't want to turn this fun day into a covid super spreader situation and the number of cases in my county is rising again. This year they're asking local churches to spend time knotting these comforters. I need to find out who the contact person is from my church and get this and other comforter tops to them to be knotted. I'll sew the bindings for this and any other comforters they knot.

The instructions for jumbo granny squares are found here on Becky's blog.

I'm going to be sewing more of my RSC projects into quilt tops, It's to get some of these projects finished!

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Scrap Happy Saturday, Oh Scrap


  1. Can't say that I have ever done an 18" block, but what a great way to whip up a flimsy. I love your grannies!

  2. I like your yellow cornerstone/centers. They do tie it together nicely!

  3. the yellow makes it different than other granny blocks and that makes it unique

  4. My goodness, that didn't take you too long at all! Looks great, and it must be so nice to use up all those bits and pieces.

  5. What a create use of leftovers and scraps. The consistent pop of yellow brings the comforting warmth of sunshine.

  6. Beautiful!! Looks like I need to start a 2 1/2” scrap box!

  7. love I your flimsy… I hope they figure a Covid safe way to get all those quilts finished in the comforter bash! Cases are rising here too!
    Great finish using leftovers … you would never know!!!! Kathi

  8. This Granny is amazing. I am involve with her. But I wonder how the Jumbo Granny fits in your little corner. Must be magic :-)

  9. That's a wonderful quilt design! I love how your yellow corners turned into 9 patches with the sashing.

  10. I really like the effect this block has - and your setting/sashing makes everything pop! I;m so sorry you all won't be able to meet in person - frustrating ... but! It will be loved when it gets all done!

  11. What a great quilt. The yellow really makes it pop!

  12. Awesome, Gretchen! Yes, I do get tired of waiting and just jump ahead on the colours for RSC. You are not alone! My 2" drawer is almost full. Wonder if I can pull something like that out of it? Thanks for the inspiration. ;^)

    1. It would be easy to adapt this pattern to 2" squares. I look forward to viewing your blocks next week!

  13. Beautiful, Gretchen! The Yellow join all blocks so well.

  14. It looks great. I like the yellow as a constant in the design. I’ve got smaller versions of the block that I still need to do something with. I’ve already made two quilts from the blocks I had. Probably time to finish (hopefully) the last one and get it donated somewhere.

  15. I really like how the yellow holds all of your blocks together. And yes, I have abandoned an RSC schedule to just zoom ahead and make a quilt. I can see why you would want to do that. A granny square quilt is on my mental list of must makes. I have always loved crocheted granny square afghans, but have never caught on to crochet.

  16. Wow! This came out really pretty put together!

  17. I love your quilt and hope I will have time to sew such a nice quilt!

  18. Granny Square blocks are always fun to piece, but this great grandma size version looks terrific. I like how you chose the yellow fabric as a constant throughout the quilt o pull all of the different colors together. I hope things will improve enough for your comforter bash to take place before the end of the year.

  19. This turned out so beautifully. Thanks for the link to the pattern. I love how this makes such a large block.
