Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My Name was Drawn!

Several weeks ago, Susan had a give away on her blog, Quilt Fabrication for the Seasons of Life Quilt, a Baltimore Album quilt book. This is a new book written by Sandra L. Mollon and published by C&T Publishing.

I signed up and my name was drawn!

These Baltimore Album blocks are beautiful, a lot more detail than I normally put into my applique. A lot of the design in the blocks was added when the quilt was machine quilted. Of course, I wouldn't machine quilt my quilt, I'd hand quilt so I would need to add more embroidery for the highlights.

Thank you Susan for giving me the opportunity to win the book, thank you C&T Publishing for giving the book to Susan for her give away.


  1. Congratulations! Will we see a new quilt started soon? ~Jeanne

    1. I'm not one to start a quilt on the spur of the moment. I'll have to page through the books many many times, then the fabric pull starts. I already have 2 different applique projects planned for this winter. Baltimore Album will just have to wait its turn!

  2. I thought about entering for that book but decided I had enough to do and most likely would enjoy looking at the book but doubted I would ever get started on it so it wasn't right to enter, I will look forward to watching yours if you decide to make it.

  3. Oh that is a great book for you. You have all the skills to make a beautiful quilt

  4. Hi,
    Awesome book for your library. I've thought about making a Baltimore Album quilt
    for years, but have never started one. Have a great day!

  5. Congratulations on your lovely win--I love the look of Baltimore Album Quilts--I have never tried making any though--they look very challenging. hugs, Julierose

  6. Congrats! Thanks for linking up with To-Do!

  7. Congratulations on winning that cool looking book for seasonal appliqué! Enjoy it when it calls to you ;)

  8. How exciting and congratulations,Gretchen. I know you will enjoy this book immensely. Have a lovely week. Happy quilting.

  9. Congratulation on the win!!! I see lots more pretty quilts in your future! :-)

  10. congratulations Gretchen! I couldn't think of a better stitcher to make use of this beautiful book. Happy Stitching!

  11. I love Baltimore Album quilts. They are so pretty. If this is not exactly your style you could refine blocks to make them simpler by leaving out parts or perhaps do one large block as a center medallion and surround it with piecing. Anyway, congratulations on your prize! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. You're welcome! Can't wait to see some of your blocks from this book
