Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Split 9 Patch Blocks

By sewing whenever I had time, all the split 9 patch blocks are pieced. I've arranged a few on the design floor to show you. Unfortunately I arranged them incorrectly but didn't realize that until I downloaded the photo and had stacked all the blocks.

We don't have air conditioning in our home so windows are wide open in the summer. A breeze coming through open windows is NOT friendly to blocks displayed on the floor, I've learned that the hard way.

For now the blocks will be stored until the windows are shut tight which will be sometime this fall. Then I'll be able to arrange them to my liking and the wind won't rearrange them. 

Besides, I need to trim the blocks to 6.5". Lately I've been watching the drama of Downton Abbey again. Lady Mary and her cohorts will keep me entertained while trimming blocks.

Split 9 patch is a free pattern from Bonnie Hunter. I've changed the pattern slightly by adding a solid square in the center of my blocks. It changes the look which I like.

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Stitch Sew & Show, Put Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. The blues and 'whites' will be striking. Stay cool! ~Jeanne

  2. I like the colors. I made a bed quilt with that block pattern in purples and creams many, many years ago. I still use it and like the pattern.

  3. Those blocks have so many design possibilities! They're really pretty in blue and white. We've been watching Downton Abbey again, too. Even my husband enjoys everything that goes on in that show!

  4. I like the block - had to look a little bit for the mistake you said was there - finally spotted it - sometimes it takes awhile to find the mistake but you know it will bother you later if you don't get it. I hope it doesn't get too hot without A/C - it would be way too humid without it here but I know my parent's did have A/C when they moved here in the 70's I don't believe they ever did and mom didn't have it until she moved in an apartment after died passed.

  5. White and blue is a beautiful combo colors and I love the layout you chose for yor split nine patch.

  6. Beautiful quilt! (I made a similar one years ago in blues and reds. Was lots of fun.). I would love to not need the a/c but it just gets too hot here, and humid. Can't wait for the days we can open everything back up but yep, will blow quilt pieces right off of my design wall! LOL

  7. Great blocks! It's going to be a beautiful quilt Happy trimming and drama watching.

  8. Your blue split nine patch blocks are looking lovely. This pattern is so versatile, you can arrange them anyway you want. I have not sewed this pattern in some time. I am thinking I may even have some of these blocks as a UFO lurking somewhere in my quilt closet. I think they were sent to me in a swap. My swapping days are over, but I should find them and make a quilt with them. So many quilts to make. I have not watched Downton Abbey recently, but every year or so, I watch the series again. I think I may have heard that they are planning a new feature film. I think I would like to know what happened to all these interesting characters. My windows are open today and my small fans are buzzing. I have to aim the one in my sewing corner away from my fabric pieces. It is needed when I am pressing as the corner gets too hot. otherwise. It does send my pieces flying though. Thank you for sharing in my linky party. I enjoyed visiting your sewing place today ... :) Pat

  9. What lovely blocks! Sorry the wind rearranged things, but when you come back to this it'll be such a pretty quilt to finish! Meantime, I could watch Downton a million times while trimming blocks. Loved that show! Thanks for sharing this on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. I've been thinking ov making that block for a quilt as well. Yours is beautiful!

  11. I love your split nine patch, Gretchen. You have the mostly lovely fabrics and the perfect shades of blue. So glad it is comfortable enough that you can open the windows and enjoy the cool breeze and fresh air. So sorry that the breeze wants to rearrange the blocks though. lol. Looking forward to seeing it in the fall. Happy quilting

  12. Such a striking split 9patch, I love it! I did have a little laugh, usually my grandchildren rearrange things around here!

  13. I'm a big fan of that pattern, Gretchen. Your quilt is going to be SEW pretty!!

  14. I love this block. So simple but your quilt looks great. Love the blues.

  15. Love this block. I have a paper piecing pattern that makes a 2" finished one! So stinking cute!

  16. Heh! I get it with the breeze issue! No A/C in our house, either.
