Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Spring Flowers

No quilts today, today is about flowers!

In May I took the time to walk around my flowerbeds and take pictures of the spring perennials. I've been waiting to see them bloom all winter! 

I have several clematis, the pink and blue ones are blooming now. I also have two older ones that are more than 30 years old. They won't bloom until later.

My flowerbeds are not manicured or organized. The are located next to what used to be a garden. That is why I have asparagus growing in the flowerbed.

I don't know what the name of this plant is. I picked up a start at  a plant swap at church years ago. The flowers are approximately 1" in length and hang down.

The peonies are just starting to bloom.

 The light pink one turns into a very soft colored yellow. I don't remember who gifted me with the start of the darker peony.

I don't have a lot of doodads in my flowerbeds, I'm more a stick to plants kind of person, but I have had this 'wireman' in this flowerbed since 1999. He was made by our younger son in art class years many years ago. He's made out of covered electrical wire.  I thought he was rather interesting and he looks great with the green ground cover. He's aging well.

There is a section of yard that is very shaded and the grass is rather thin. I don't mow it as often as the grass in the more sunny areas. Often in the spring I let it grow a month to six weeks before it is mowed. I love the pretty violets that bloom. Supposedly they're weeds but I enjoy them.

The only thing wrong with spring flowers is they just don't last long enough!


  1. Beautiful garden photos! Your purple clematis is amazing!

  2. Beautiful flowers. Love the 2 clematis and the wireman, that is too funny.

    1. I place wireman in the flowerbed back in 1999 for our son's graduation open house from high school. He never made it back into the house!

  3. love all your flowers - I don't remember the name of the first flower you show with the red tear drop type flower I tried growing them two times and both times died I bet I had them in too much shade.

    1. Bleeding Heart's are supposed to like shade. This one does get direct early morning sun but then it's in the shade. I have another one on the west side of the house, that one gets direct sun in the afternoon.

  4. Your flowers are beautiful, Gretchen! The wire man is a fun surprise in the garden, too. You're right about Spring flowers not lasting long enough, though - I always feel the same way!

  5. Really nice flowers Do you fertile the Bleeding Heart?
    Mine just looks so pitiful

    1. I mulch my flowerbeds with chicken litter so they do get fertilized but it's basically chicken manure mixed with wheat straw. I've never had a problem with it burning my plants but I do let it set several months before using.

  6. Hi,
    Lovely flowers...I really like the wire man...have a great day!

  7. The red blooms at the top of your post is a bleeding heart??? I love that bush! Thanks for a look around and sharing your wireman too! I need a spot to put some color of clematis now too! Lol. Beautiful gardens Kathi

  8. Lovely flowers!!! Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  9. Gorgeous, mom! And those clematis are really full with blooms! Beautiful! -Marlys

  10. Fabulous, garden tour, Gretchen . Your clematis is so pretty. I have always wanted to grow this pretty vine but in my area and soil I am very limited. What an awesome wireman too. Have a fabulous day

    1. Some soils just don't work for certain plants. I've always wanted to grow rhododendrons and have tried for years. They simply won't thrive in my soil, I add amendments to the soil. I've given up and just enjoy viewing other people rhodo's.

  11. I'm with you, spring flowers never last long enough for me! Thanks for sharing springtime with Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. I have been enjoying some blooms in my yard too. Like you I wish they lasted longer. I loved seeing your variety.

  13. Thank you for the flower, they are all so beautiful. This is a good year for rose bushes and my peony reseeded downhill about 5'. Glad to see someone is having better luck this year.

  14. I love your spring blooms, I very badly want a dark pink peony, but have to find a place where it will grow first. Your wire cowboy is a fun surprise, too!
