Sunday, June 13, 2021

Quilting Blue Stars

This week I quilted the top of the pieced blocks and the borders of course. Pictures in order from right to left.

This was a 4" swath across the quilt. Now I've rolled and will quilt the sashing row which is a 3" swath. Then I'm ready to start quilting the white border. There is a narrow blue border which doesn't show yet. 

I estimate it will take me 4 weeks to finish the quilting. I've quilted quilts all by myself before but for some reason it seems like this quilt is going very slow. I have another hand project I would like to start but I won't let myself until this quilt is finished!

School is out for summer and both local grandsons are under grandparent supervision several days a week.

One day we went to the playground in Wakarusa.

Several weeks ago I showed you a picture of the younger grandson standing beside the sign that said clean up after your horses. This time I took a picture of the horses and buggies.

In our area we have the Quilt Gardens. Tourists come and look at all the quilt gardens in various locations. There are even bus tours that come!

Here is the quilt garden in Wakarusa, it is close to the playground. The flowers haven't been planted very long, I'll try to remember to take updates as the summer progresses.

Besides the quilt garden, a mural of a quilt is normally attached to a building. Here is the mural.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. I've been reading your posts for a while now, but I guess I didn't read the topic which tells about you. I love your hand quilting. I hope to do some more of that in the future. Right now, I am trying to sew up my fabric which is a massive amount and I only purchase if absolutely necessary. Anyway, back to you. It looks like you quilt in your "spare" time. I really don't know where you have any spare time with all that you do! You really do fabulous work and I guess you must have a system for finishing those quilts so quickly. Nice work.

  2. Only four weeks to go till Blue Stars is finished...not long to go now. I cannot wait to see your beautiful quilt all finished and see it in all its glory. This quilt is such a masterpiece. Oh, how I would love to wander around The Quilt Gardens. They look spectacular.

  3. I think Blue Stars is doing really well, and just another 4 weeks and it will be done in all splendor.
    The quilting garden is amazing, I'll love seeing the updates photos. Happy Sunday, Gretchen!

  4. I'm not as disciplined as you! I remember the photo of your grandson next to a huge spade LOL. I like the idea of the quilted garden it looks lovely.

  5. I love the detailed quilting you are doing on blue stars... I love the quilt of flowers too... interesting how each area in the USA comes up with ways to bring in the tourists... I live in a similar section of the US too but the tourists drive or camp or motorcycle ride here for fun... car clubs too! lol Enjoy the summer with your grands... soon they will graduate school and be off to their lives. Kathi

  6. You live in a lovely place! The mural is wonderful!! And your hand quilting is exquisite!!! I love to see your progress!

  7. Blue Stars is just gorgeous, and your quilting just adds even more. Definitely worth the time it's taking! The quilted garden looks like a lovely place to visit!

  8. Lovely quilting as always! You have made such great progress. I love the idea of quilt gardens. Beautiful and peaceful.

  9. Only 4 weeks, nearly the end! It's going to be a fabulous quilt. Interesting Quilt Gardens, I would love to see more.
    Thank you for linking up today!

  10. I'll be sad to see this quilt come to an end. Love the quilt gardens. Have a great day!

  11. Your hand quilting is gorgeous! I love watching your progress. I've seen the beautiful Quilt Gardens but it's been a few years. Maybe one of these days we'll visit the area again. ~Jeanne

  12. Quilt gardens, how wonderful! And you are really on a roll with quilting your blue and white creation, not far to go now.

  13. Thank you for sharing. I love seeing your quilting and the progress you're making on Blue Stars. Wonderful.

  14. Wow, you are so close to the finish line!! Love those quilt block flower gardens--I especially like that they note what flowers are planted. How big is the mural?

    1. I don't know the dimensions of the mural, it's up on a wall but I estimate it is at least 8' by 10'?

  15. Your quilt is stunning, Gretchen. You are moving right along on it. Grandbaby days are always fun. What a pretty quilt garden and mural. Have a great week.

  16. Your quilting is so gorgeous! Wow! I had never heard of the quilt gardens, but they sure look like someplace I need to add to my "travel bucket list".

  17. These are all utterly gorgeous, you have such a talent.

  18. Oh so, lose to finishing this beauty, how exciting! Love the quilt gardens, such a neat idea.
