Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Jumbo Granny Squares Flimsy

I only needed 12 jumbo granny square blocks to make a finished 63" by 81" flimsy for the comforter bash held in November.

Most of these fabrics were already cut into 2.5" squares but I did pull some fabrics from the solids box, it is time to get these fabrics used.

I started cleaning up the leftovers from piecing this flimsy then wondered what a four block crib quilt would look like. I certainly have plenty of fabrics for a crib quilt. But I've had enough crib quilt sewing lately, time to move onto a different project.

There are 2 blocks that had all the corners turned the wrong way. After I had the flimsy sewn together, I found another HST turned wrong. I'm not going to change them, finished is better than perfect.

Someone asked me in comments if you can strip piece these blocks. I don't see why you couldn't but since I was using squares already cut I didn't. Strip piecing would be perfect if your blocks were all going to be the same fabrics or if you have enough strips of the same values.

The pattern for jumbo granny squares is here.

I'm adding a bunch of flower pictures I took in April. Spring flowers are so special after a long gray winter with no color.

This picture shows you some Dutchman Breeches and flowering myrtle.

These are small daffodils that came from the farmer's grandmother's farm many years ago. The flowers are smaller than other daffodils.

Jack in the Pulpit

Yellow daffodils blooming on the north side of my house.

More daffodils, it's nice to have a variety of colors.

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot DownNeedle & Thread Thursday


  1. This is beautiful, and you are right. better made than perfect, and it locks just perfect as it is. I like the secondary blocks they form. Your garden has a great variety of gorgeous daffodils.

  2. love all the flowers spring is always so pretty - now if the darn storms would just go away

  3. That flimsy looks great! And your flowers are beautiful. Just getting into spring here in Alberta!
    Stay safe and sew on !

  4. Oh, I do like what you did with the granny square blocks. Gives it a whole different look.

  5. One day in going to make as grant squares quilt.... Enjoy your flowers....

  6. Wonderful top!! And I didn't even notice the wrong way triangles! Thanks for linking up with To-Do!

  7. I love your flimsy! But I noticed that two blocks on the third row have corners that area bit different. The HST’s are turned different than all the others. I saw it because I like the secondary design made with the cornerstones. It could stay, but you might want to change them.

  8. Your top is fabulous, Gretchen and what a great design. I am going to have to put this design on my to do list of many quilts that I want to create. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a great rest of the week .

  9. Beautiful daffodils, love it when the grow in large clumps together. Another top finished, it feels great when that happens every time. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with all of us. Have an awesome day.

  10. Your Granny Squares top is lovely! And yes, that is why the true scrap quilts often take longer to construct than the new yardage quilts do. You can't really strip piece when you're making a quilt from leftover bits and pieces, but it sure is satisfying to turn the "waste" from one project into a lovely finished project of its own!

  11. Love your large Granny Squares--they make a great quilt top! The flowers you shared sure are lovely. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. It is coming along beautifully. I think a 4 block baby quilt would be awesome. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  13. Love your granny square quilt! Great job!
