Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Last 2 Weeks

Our daughter double masked and hand sanitized her way from Phoenix to northern Indiana for a two week stay. It was wonderful to have her here. She waited to visit until both the farmer and I were vaccinated. Thankfully neither one of us had any side effects from the vaccine.

I decided to take a vacation/break from hand quilting and just enjoy our time together. I also read a couple books, sewed binding on quilts, pieced some easy crib quilts and embroidered quilt labels. I've actually got the label ready for blue stars around the garden but no picture.

After a week of no hand quilting, I started again and made a little progress.

The center is slow going. I still need to stitch in the ditch around the leaves and stem on the right side of the big flower. And I need to get the stencil out and mark the space where I missed a line.

I also worked outside in the flowerbeds and the yard. The older grandson was on spring break so he got to spend time picking up sticks.

The crocuses are blooming, they're so bright and happy.

I wasn't home when the farmer put the cows out on pasture so no pictures of the celebration.  They enjoyed a lazy sunny Easter afternoon on the grass. The grass isn't very long, we're rather dry. 

Linking to Link Your Stuff!, Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. I always consider cows to be such sweet animals. How lovely to spend time with your daughter after such a long time. Some more lovely quilting, Gretchen and how wonderful to see that spring has finally sprung there. Bright and happy crocuses are always a happy sight.

  2. Love your quilting... so happy you got a visit with your daughter to soak up... I know you BOTH must have needed it too ! Glad you got your vaccines :) The cow pictures are precious! Kathi

  3. It is so precious when we get to spend time with our loved ones, we have to wait a lot longer for the in person visit, so zoom it is for now. Your garden and the cows look so peaceful and relaxing.

  4. I am happy for you. Having time to enjoy your daughter visit was great. Sure you had special time together. Your hand quilting is always a great inspiration, so beautifully stitched.
    Pretty pictures of you garden and cows.
    Happy new stitching week.

  5. We will all appreciate the chance to spend time with our families more after this pandemic is over! Glad you could spend time with your daughter! Thank goodness for vaccines! Beautiful quilting, as usual

  6. I'm glad to hear you are safely vaccinated and were able to visit with your family that must have been so nice. We will safely visit with our daughter next week - although we have been visiting on the porch or the walking trails for the past year it will be nice to actually sit down at a meal and give her a hug as well.

  7. How lovely that your daughter managed to travel to see you! Your quilt is looking lovely and your quilting is an inspiration as always. I worked on a dairy farm when in college, so I have no illusions about cows LOL. But they do look happy to be out in pasture again.

  8. I can't wait to see the whole quilt! It looks fabulous!

  9. Your flowers are so beautiful, both the lovely purple crocuses outside and the gorgeous blue flowers on your quilt. Congratulations on being vaccinated, and especially on getting to see your daughter.

  10. I didn't realize that hand quilters would quilt in the ditch! Your quilting is beautiful! I remember our cows especially the "seasoned" ones reactions when they were headed to the pasture in the Spring. They would kick up their heels and race one another to be first to eat the grass! Thanks for awakening that memory!

  11. Great progress! So nice to see the cows enjoying the beautiful day!

  12. So glad to hear that you enjoyed a visit with your daughter. Definitely worth the hand quilting break, Gretchen!!

  13. I hope your hands will not hurt too much after the pause. Nice to see your daughter for a two-weeks stay, and spending time with family. Cute cows ;)
    Thank you for linking up today!

  14. Your hand quilting is really lovely! You are doing a great job!

  15. Such a lovely time spent with your daughter. Although no hand quilting was done over this time, you certainly kept busy with binding and labels. So ice to see the cows happy in the sunshine.

  16. I’m enjoying the sunshine, too! Pretty quilting stitches!

  17. So glad you were able to visit with your daughter. The quilting can wait 🙂

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  18. So glad your daughter was able to visit. I am sure you missed her. Your crocuses are so pretty. Love the cow pics.

  19. Do you mean that the COWS celebrate when they get to go out to pasture? That sounds like a party out of one of Sandra Boynton's board books for children! :-). I'm so glad you enjoyed time with your daughter and grandson. I do hope you will show us a picture of your embroidered label when you get a chance.

  20. Oh my goodness look at all the crocuses! (They always remind me of my mother.) Every year I say I'm going to plant hundreds in the fall and I never seem to get to it. The ones we have are dwindling (I think my chickens are to blame)--I just want them nice and thick like these! And everywhere!

  21. Your hand quilting is gorgeous and so are those crocuses! I remember how happy our cows always were to go out to pasture with that tender spring grass.

  22. It sounds like a lovely relaxing time. So did you mean the cows celebrated going our to the pasture or do you celebrate them out to the pasture? 'Cause if it's cows I see them jumping up and clicking their hooves together...just sayin'. My mind can be surprisingly fertile! Back to quilting now....
