Friday, April 2, 2021

Peacock Moda Love Star

The peacock Moda Love star quilt is back from the long arm quilters at Calico Point. I selected an overall quilting design with curliques and hearts. I think it looks very nice.

The color isn't true in this photo, it's more purple colored. I had this problem when I showed the pieced flimsy. Roseanne suggested I show some blue fabric which I did in this picture, it helped some but it's still not the true color.

A bed picture which shows the quilting texture.


  1. Whether the true color shows or not, it is lovely fabric for a fabulous quilt finish.

  2. Beautiful, Gretchen! I always see this pattern done in layer cakes, which makes it look so patchy. It looks great done in the limited fabrics, and I love your choices. I see the “peacockiness” in your bottom photo. This looks like a pattern I need to try.

  3. I’m with Elizabeth. It truly is lovely!

  4. Oh how pretty! you can really see the awesome colors in that bottom close up - what a beautiful fabric you chose!!

  5. I was just thinking yesterday that I need to make another of these. The first one I made was a Quilt of Valor that I gifted to a guy in my Sunday School class. Of course, that one was red, white and blue. But it's a GREAT pattern and goes pretty quickly. Yours is gorgeous!

  6. What a great finish! The quilting is beautiful.

  7. Nice finish. It's too bad the purple side of blue isn't showing. We try hard to pick fabrics and then to have the photo not turn out right. Sigh. It makes me wonder when I try to match fabric with colors on the computer. Hopefully my must recent effort will work out ok.

  8. This is beautiful! I love the quilting design you chose for it. In the picture with the quilting you an see some of the purple tones. That fabric is gorgeous!
