Sunday, April 25, 2021

Hand Quilting Progress on Blue Stars

The hand quilting last week was a swath across the quilt of approximately 3". Three inches is the measurement of the sashing and cornerstones that divide the blocks. 

Of course the center quilting seemed to take the longest, there are a lot of leaves to be stitched in the ditch!

After I took the pictures, I rolled and started quilting again. After rolling, I could see the top of the applique center, not the top of the quilt, the top of the applique center.

The pattern for Stars Around the Garden is here.


  1. The swath is a lovely pattern. This quilt has such a lovely mix of pretty quilting patterns. The centre quilting may have taken the longest time to quilt, but oh, how beautiful it is.

  2. I love watching your progress on this! Keep up the steady progress... looking awesome! Kathi

  3. it looks lovely! a little bit every week and it gets done

  4. Thia iS amazing! I love each detail of this quilt, Gretchen.
    Have a wonderful stitching new week!

  5. I love that centre panel, it is truly beautiful quilting! I still love that dancing star pattern despite the angst it caused me! LOL I love it in the solid blues.

  6. Gorgeous quilting! Love seeing your work!

  7. Well that means that you must be more than halfway done with the quilt. Your quilting is gorgeous!

  8. Yeah, seing the top of the applique center is a good news! Great progress!

  9. Dear Gretchen,
    What lovely quilting and the designs are all different. They compliment the top so well, it is going to be a gorgeous quilt.

  10. Your quilt is gorgeous, Gretchen and coming along quite nicely. You are such an inspiration for me to continue plugging along on my Easter quilt . I almost put it away to pull out another, but for right now I am keeping it out and putting in a bit of quilting on it each week. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  11. You do a fabulous job on your handquilting.

  12. Your work is amazing!! I am a hand quilter and know how long it takes to make all those stitches. It is going to be a work of art when you are done!

  13. Just beautiful :) Look how pretty the central applique is coming along with that background! (Hey, Gretchen, I have been going through all my storage as I return things after our water heater flood. Would you like a Noah's Ark panel I have that we won't use?)

  14. I just drool when I see the beauty of your stitches, Gretchen.

  15. I LOVE looking at your hand quilting! It is amazing!!!

  16. Oh, I can only imagine how long it took you to quilt in the ditch around all of those leaves! It really makes the appliqué pop, but you don't get the same instant gratification from quilting in the ditch that you do when you're quilting a special design in the borders or background where the stitches really show up. Slow and steady wins the race!
