Sunday, March 7, 2021

Quilting Blue Stars

I'm still quilting away on blue stars. I didn't make all the way across the row this week but that's ok. I'm happy as long as I'm making progress. The pictures are from the right side border towards the center.

Last Sunday several of you asked about the stencil I'm using for the center background. Kathi kindly found two links for me. The first one is for a 3" triangle, the 2nd one is for a 1.75" triangle which is the size my of design. Thank you so much Kathi!

I promise, this will be the last pictures of my Amaryllis flowers. The 3rd bud on the red & white bulb is blooming. This is the first time this salmon colored bulb has bloomed, it's one of the babies I've been growing for several years. My patience has has paid off.


  1. Oh, I think you can show your Amaryllis flowers as much as you want. They are such a beautiful flower, aren't they. With each quilting stitch, your Blue Stars Around the Garden just becomes more beautiful! I love the variety of the quilting patterns in this quilt.

  2. Why would you quit showing such a sturdy, delicate, beautiful blooming flower that only parades once a year and relegate it to not sharing it any more!!! That is being stingy actually... please share on Sunday's all of them :) Or give them their own post if others are tired of them buy I am not and it seems Kim feels the same! I love the progress you have made on your quilting too btw! lol I think it is awesome :) I hope this is my lucky week to make time to load that quilt on the frame and take those first stitches! Have a fine week and once more.... Keep posting amaryllis pics ... yours are lovely!

  3. Your amaryllises are gorgeous. I didn’t get one this past Christmas, but meant to do so. I hope I’ll remember next time. Your quilting is coming along and is gorgeous!!

  4. Making progress is good, whatever the progress! Your hand quilting is beautiful as always.
    Please, show your pretty Amaryllis again, the pink one is lovely!
    Thank you for linking up today.

  5. I love the amaryllis photo. Watching your quilting progress is always a joy.

  6. I love seeing everyone’s amaryllis pictures! Such a bright spot at this time of year. Lovely quilting!

  7. pretty amaryllis - I still have 3 to wait for opening - they are slow! and I haven't the slightest idea what color two of them will be right now as I didn't mark them in anyway. Love the quilting

  8. Your quilting is beautiful, and so precise.

  9. Beautiful quilting. I never tire of seeing the amaryllis!

  10. Love seeing the flowers bloom reminding me were approaching spring ~ yay ~ Blue Star is the star of the show, gorgeous!

  11. Lovely hand quilting, as always. It's so nice to see the progress you are making.

  12. Love the handquilting. Your quilt is beautiful with the stunning blue and yellow.

  13. Your hand quilting is so beautiful, Gretchen and thank you and Kathi so much for sharing the link to the quilting stencils. Your Amaryllis is so pretty as is the quilt behind it. Happy quilting

  14. Love the quilting designs you are using ,will make this quilt a real beauty. Your flowers are a pleasure to see.. always.🙂

  15. Your quilting is so yummy...I could just eat it up :-D

  16. Plenty of people have already written this, but I will add my own comment about enjoying your flowers, so keep showing them. That's true patience to have waited this long for the salmon colored amaryllis to bloom! Your quilting is so beautiful. I'm enjoying seeing your progress each week.

  17. The flowers AND the quilt are spectacular!

  18. I think they said it all, keep sharing the flowers as well as the quilts!

  19. Beautiful quilting as usual. Can't wait to see the finished result!

  20. The red and white amaryllis is so striking - and the salmon is such a pretty pink! I'm impressed that you kept it growing and happy to bloom this year. I'm afraid I would have unintentionally destroyed it before it had a chance to bloom. It didn't let you down with its gorgeous coloring.

  21. Hi Gretchen, Beautiful amaryllis flowers and thank you for showing them to us. I like the curved triangle quilting pattern too.
