Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Back to 3030

 I've started piecing 3030 blocks again. I've decided I am not going to make the applique blocks. They're really cute and pretty but I'm just not in the mood for applique.

I think friendship stars never look right, it's doesn't matter which direction the point goes, they just don't look right.

Since I am not making the applique center or the applique blocks, I am making additional pieced blocks. I also want my quilt to be larger than the original quilt. I'm not sure how I'm going to arrange the blocks but I need to get them pieced first.

The 3030 quilt is a BOW that started last summer. There are only a few more blocks to go.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Clever Chameleon, Wednesday Wait Loss


  1. Your 3030 blocks are beautiful! I love the bright colors against the deep blue background!

  2. I missed this 3030 when you wrote about it earlier! Thanks for providing the link. I agree with you about Friendship Star blocks, by the way -- they always look crooked to me, too!

  3. Those blocks are so pretty with their dark blue backgrounds! I'll enjoy seeing all the blocks you make for this project.

  4. I too like the dark blue background! I keep wanting to play with background colors like this!

  5. The dark background was a great choice! I’ll be watching your progress!

  6. Hi Gretchen! Oh, the 30 different blocks look so nice together. I love that you chose navy or a darker blue as your background. I look forward to seeing these come together. It will be a beautiful quilt when it is finished. I wish you and your family a very Happy Holidays. Thank you for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. These blocks are going to make a fabulous quilt!

  8. I know what you mean about Friendship Stars. If you make the corners HSTs it helps a little. What I really like is the common blue background you've chosen. The 3030 BOW is new to me....seems I learn about the interesting sew-alongs when they're more than halfway done.

  9. I agree, if you snowball the corners there isn't so much blank space and may make them more "friendly"?

  10. Lovely fabrics you're using! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. Merry Christmas!
