Friday, October 30, 2020

Scrappy Barn Quilt

 I've started a new quilt called scrappy Barn Quilt. It's a log cabin pattern by Edyta Sitar from her book Scrappy Fireworks Quilts. In her book she calls her quilt Blue Barn Quilt but I'm calling mine scrappy barn quilt. I can't find a picture of this quilt online so you'll have to wait until my flimsy is pieced to see the finished quilt. Here is what I've accomplished so far. 

Edyta also has an individual pattern called Blue Barn but they're not the same pattern.

So far I've pieced 45 blocks but they didn't all fit on the design wall. These blocks are made using 1-1/4" strips. Edyta played more with shading of the medium and dark strips. I'm just sewing my blocks and not shading. More blocks will be pieced on and off this fall/winter. This is a slow in progress quilt.

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your BeautiesUFO Busting


  1. I love these kind of fussy log cabin quilt patterns... thinking about what you are doing with skinny pieces of fabric :) Yours is looking awesome... I do not think I would further shade them either ... I love yours being scrappy :) Have a fun time girl! Kathi

  2. There are so many options with log cabin blocks. I love what you're doing here!

    1. There are so many ways to set log cabin blocks, they're such a fun block to make!

  3. This is going to be beautiful; I especially like the flashes of red and blue among the brown.

    1. I was doing clean up/put away yesterday and I pulled some lighter fabrics to add into the blocks. The blocks will still be mainly darker fabrics but the flashes of lighter fabrics just add some zing to the blocks. Thanks for stopping!

  4. Ooh, it is going to be warm and cozy. Love your colors.

  5. I a currently starting to make log cabin blocks with no particular setting in mind just yet. So I was very interested in checking out yours. I love your scrappiness in this.

  6. love your skinny strips, it has been awhile since I did a log cabin although I am working on Pineapple blocks kind of the same concept but different I think I have made 4 log cabins over the years.

  7. The Fabrics you are using are so yummy!! and I love the layout so far!!

  8. The contrast between the lights and dark packs a punch. This promistes to be a lovely finish!

  9. It's going to be a very pretty quilt! Have fun!

  10. Pretty scrappy and nice Fall and Winter fabric colors! Hugs

  11. Oh, I have that book! Now I'm going to have to go review the quilts in the book to see if there's any I want to start. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Your log cabins are beautiful but I cant imagine myself sitching with such narrow strips. Luckily you seem to be managing the narrow strips with no trouble at all!

  13. Beautiful take on a log cabin quilt!

  14. Love the colors on your log cabin. I've made a couple but with 1-1/2" logs. Can't wait to see the finish.

  15. Some of the best quilts are scrappy quilts without a planned color layout, this is going to be one of them. Can't wait to see the finish, hopefully before spring :) Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
