Sunday, October 25, 2020

Noah's Ark is in the Frame

 I had originally planned for blue Stars Around the Garden to be the next quilt into the hand quilting frame but the applique is going slow. I do have the stems appliqued on all four corners but no photo to show you.

A year ago I bought a Noah's Ark panel for a crib quilt and added simple borders to make it larger. I had thought I would quilt it on my sewing machine when I was machine quilting last summer but decided not to. I want to use a variety of colored thread, it just wasn't worth the hassle. My machine quilting consists of very simple quilting.

It's in the hand quilting frame ready to start. After taking this picture I noticed I hadn't trimmed the batting off the bottom edge. (I've done that now. I save all the little bits and pieces of batting and stick it in a bag. When the bag is full, I donate to a shop that resells the batting for stuffing.)

I don't use a large backing like some hand quilters so but on this quilt it's even less. I had a perfect fabric fort he back and didn't want to have to make it larger so I trimmed the quilt flimsy down a little. I have approximately 1" of backing on each size. I wouldn't do this with a large quilt but it will work fine for a small project.

I don't cut my batting to size but trim it as I roll. There is nothing more frustrating to have cut your batting then have it be too small! Been there, done that.

I will be using #12 weight Sulky thread for quilting thread. The outside border is going to be quilted with the variegated  gray that I have used in several other projects.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. Hi Gretchen, I like your Noah's Ark crib quilt and look forward to future showings of this quilt as you add all colors of thread to it... I love your border plan too... way to use what you have and make it work on the size too :) Have a wonderful Sunday ! Kathi

  2. This is such a sweet quilt. The border fabric spilling over with all those animals is perfect. Enjoy your hand quilting.

  3. That is going to be darling. I am looking forward to seeing the quilting.

  4. I love this it's so sweet it's going to be lovely when it's all done.

  5. it is a cute baby quilt and will be delightful when done!

  6. Sweet and lovely quilt, will be looking forward to seeing your quilting.
    Happy slow stitching.

  7. This is so cute and sweet. I will stay tuned to see your quilting and the fabric used for the backing. Happy stitching! ~Jeanne

  8. It will be fun to quilt this sweet project... enjoy!

  9. That is so adorable, Gretchen! I bet it will be very fun to hand quilt!

  10. Love that Noah's Ark piece! That shouldn't take you too long to quilt!

  11. Hi,
    The Noah's Ark quilt will be beautiful
    when done. Have a great day!

  12. Such a lovely little quilt for you to work on. I'm so impressed, you always have such a wonderful variety of quilting projects to work kn.

  13. Sweet panel. Look forward to seeing how you quilt it.

  14. Beautiful panel to work with, Gretchen. I'm just now using those blue pens on my Halloween Sampler. I must say it took some nerve for me to draw across my blocks with it. But I had tested it with water and it disappeared.

  15. It'll be fun to see the quilting transform this quilt. It should be great when done.

  16. This will be super cute, and with all your experience quilting the large projects, it's going to go so fast!
