Sunday, August 23, 2020

Halfway Finished!

 I've reached the center of the vintage Boston commons quilt. I'm well on my way to meeting the goal of being finished by the middle of November.

Here is the quilting from last week. 

These pictures didn't load in the correct order but I think you can figure it out.

The above picture is obviously the center. See those bright pink squares? They bleed when spritzed with water. After the quilt is completely finished, she's going to get a good soak and wash. 

Above is the left  side of the center. This border was extremely puckery and it quilted out! Scroll down several pictures and look at the photo of the quilt before the quilting started.

Above is the left side of the quilt.

And this is the right side.

The right side of the center.

Here is a picture before quilting.

There was a comment last week that they would like to see a picture of the sticks & stands frame. Here is a link to my old Word Press blog about the frame.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. So glad Gretchen that you are well on your way to a finish here and looking sooo great too <3 I love this quilt and hope after a good soak and wash you can enjoy this great find and save! Glad you had the right frame for pulling out those wrinkles!

    1. I am very pleased with the way the puckers are quilting out. I love my Grace frame but it just wouldn't have worked for this quilt. I don't think a hoop frame would have worked either. It really needs to be stretched in every direction.

  2. That hot pink fabric really adds a sparkle to the quilt and hopefully will be fine once washed! I had that happen to some fabric in my irish chain quilt and after a couple of good washings everything was fine!

  3. Beautiful quilt...the quilting is just lovely. When I wash a quilt with "questionable fabrics" the first time, I safety pin Color Catcher sheets right where the problems are-just to be on the safe side.

  4. it is looking good, glad all those puckers are quilting out and that you have the frame to do it.

  5. It is beautiful! I love that the puckers are quilting out. Hopefully you can get the pink squares to stop running. I've had good luck with Dawn liquid and a toothbrush when I need to clean up after a bleed. ~Jeanne

  6. The puckers quilted out! Hurray! Your quilting is stunningly beautiful.

  7. Your quilting is always so fun to see! Beautiful progress you are making.

  8. Hi,
    Beautiful quilt and quilting...hoping a good wash helps out with
    your pink...have a great day!

  9. Beautiful quilting. And who would have known there were puckers if you hadn't told us about it.

  10. It really is quite amazing that all those puckers are quilting out! The center with all those little squares is just beautiful!

  11. My Mama's method of quilting was similar to yours in that it was "sticks" that hung from the ceiling. I do't remember exactly how she fastened the backing to the sticks. As they quilted, the sticks were rolled up just like that. I played lots of hours under quilts while Mama and aunts quilted. Good memories. I can't believe how those puckers quilted out. Great job.

  12. Oh my goodness that is amazing how well the quilting has fixed the puckering... well done!

  13. Beautiful quilt and quilting. Looks like those puckers are being worked out as you go along! Great work!

  14. It is so frustrating to have fabric bleed. I know you rescued this quilt top so you had no idea how stable the dyes were. I'll be anxious to see how this all turns out. You are such a lovely hand quilter. Your work really enhances everything you touch.

  15. It is is looking amazing!! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  16. Gosh, you are clever quilting out all those puckers. Your beautiful quilting is adding such beauty to this quilt. Yes, using a colour catcher in the wash will cause those bleeds to disappear. I look forward to visiting again next week to see what lovely quilting has been added to your quilt.

  17. I was worried those puckers were going to cause problems but this is looking beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  18. Those were some ominous looking puckers! It's amazing how you've quilted them down!
    My grandmother had a sticks and stands quilt frame set-up, too. I think my grandfather built it for her, but it might have been her brother - definitely came from in the family!

  19. It's all coming on so well, so pleased you quilted those puckers out! But then, you were sure that you would, I seem to remember.

  20. Gretchen, thank you for the pictures of the sticks and stand frame. I am the one who requested it.

  21. I can see why you wanted to stretch it out. Those full areas are quilting out wonderfully from what I can see.

  22. Your quilt and hand quilting are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. How are you marking the unquilted part?

    1. It will be quilted the same as the other half. The 2nd half is marked, the markings just don't show in the photos.

  23. I love watching your progress. Fabulous quilting!

  24. You certainly will have a beauty for only $20 and you did not have to make it. Your quilting is really settling the puckers down!

  25. Your quilting is beautiful. Can't wait to see it done.
