Sunday, July 12, 2020

The New Hand Quilting Project

The next quilt to be hand quilted is in the frame. I purchased this quilt flimsy for $20 from the resale table at the Jane Stickle retreat last November.   

The label on the quilt said 72" square. The seller said she bought it at a garage sale, I didn't think to ask the location of the garage sale. Theresa is from the Indianapolis area so maybe it came from there. I am hoping to have this quilt quilted and bound by the time of the Jane Stickle retreat in November . . . if it happens.

I don't know the name of this quilt design but I know one of you readers knows and will tell me, thank you!

This quilt reminds me of the Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt sew along Kevin hosted last summer but it's not entirely like his quilt. I had planned to make a quilt from Kevin's instructions someday but now I don't need to since I have this quilt!

I just love the colors of this quilt. When I first saw it, I immediately thought 60's, but I don't know if it really is or not. I do know the white fabric used for the sashing and borders is cotton/poly fabric.

As you have obviously noticed, the quilt has definite puckering issues.

I'm so impressed the person who pieced the flimsy actually pieced the turquoise squares too. I would have just cut a turquoise strip and called that good enough. The squares in this quilt finish at 1-1/4".

Because of the puckering issues, I decided to quilt this quilt in my old sticks and stands quilting frame instead of the usual Grace quilting frame. I think I can quilt the puckers easier in this frame. The puckers won't be entirely gone but they won't be as obvious, besides, after washing, don't all quilts become rather puckery?

I'm using a Hobbs poly-down polyester batt, the backing is a lovely aqua whole cloth fabric I purchased at Calico Point.


  1. Wow Gretchen, I love love love that quilt top you snatched up for $20 as found in a yard sale by another! Amazing life of such a nicely pieced top that just needed the tlc you realized you could give it with your frame and skillful hands and mind... looking forward to seeing the quilting you plan for this quilt... I went to Kevin's link and they are very similar for sure! I love Kevin's fun patterns too <3 Have fun today slow stitching on this :) Kathi

  2. What a find! I love the colors. I would have also cut a big turquoise strip, but I love how they did this! You're right - washed quilts pucker and it's one of the things quilters love. Whoever started this quilt would be so happy that it ended up in your hands! It looks like a perfect picnic quilt.

  3. What a lovely quilt top. I'm sure you will work your quilting magic on it and make it even more beautiful.

  4. Love this quilt top with the turquoise! That's one of my favourite colours :-). Love to see what you will do with this quilt. Great score at a yard sale!!

  5. That quilt top is very pretty. What a find! I know that your quilting will complement it beautifully. I am looking forward to watching your progress.

  6. that is a wonderful quilt - it will be fun to quilt through and I spy fabric kinda quilt

  7. What a great garage sale find. It is such a lucky piece that you have rescued it. I can't wait to see what you quilt on top of all that white negative space. I loved SSSSQ with Kevin the Quilter. Happy quilting!

  8. after washing and drying I bet those puckers won't be obvious at all - and your quilting will look good

  9. What a great purchase! Your hand quilting will make it utterly fabulous!

  10. Lucky you to find such a beautiful bargain. It will look lovely hand quilted! Hope the retreat will take place.

  11. This is a lovely quilt, and will be even prettier after your wonderful hand quilting! I'm sure you will tame it down as you quilt. BTW, I agree with your date of the 1960s, although some of the fabrics could be earlier. The pattern was published in the 1930s and is similar to a Boston Commons quilt. I'll see if I can find this one's real name. Happy quilting!

  12. Kevin's Mystery is the first thing I thought of when I saw this quilt. Lucky you, on purchasing it for $20, Gretchen! I think it's going to be gorgeous when you're done with the quilting. Puckers and all!!! With scraps and turquoise, how can you go wrong?!

  13. Good luck quilting those puckers away! An interesting bargain, and I hope you find the name of the pattern soon.

  14. That's a fun and scrappy quilt top! Amazing that it's never been quilted in all this time. I'll enjoy seeing what you do with it.

  15. What a great find! I think after washing that the puckers will disappear no matter what!

  16. Hi,
    Beautiful quilt...and what a bargain price.
    Have a great day!

  17. This is wonderful that you're given this quilt a new life. I think the puckers will quilt out beautifully.

  18. Beautiful quilt, it's going to be a great hand quilting project!
    Thank you for sharing ;)

  19. Pretty quilt. I have no doubt it will be amazing after you get it quilted. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  20. It reminds me of the story of the old dusty violin that nobody wanted to buy at an auction......and then a violin virtuoso picked up a bow and played beautiful music on the old violin. You will make this quilt top sing! I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

  21. I can hardly wait to see the quilt once completed!

  22. Oh wow, what a treasure of a quilt you happened upon. Under your magical quilting fingers this beautiful quilt is going to be a beauty.

  23. You definitely will have issues especially when you get to the center. You might be able to work around the puckers on the outside borders. I just finished hand quilting a quilt that I thought was pretty flat but in my roll up frame the 8" outside border got more wavy each time I rolled the quilt.Good luck and I am glad you rescued the will be so pretty!!
