Sunday, June 21, 2020

Sunday Stitching Grandma's Embroidered Blocks

We started baling 2nd cutting of hay last week and I wanted to get Modern Amish into the flimsy stage. Hand quilting Grandma's embroidered blocks was not the top priority, the 5th row is not completed. The bottom half of the row is finished, then I rolled after taking the photos.

I'm not pressuring myself to get the quilt finished this week, just have to wait and see how farm work goes. I also have a small project to make for a friend which is my main sewing priority.

Since I have several weekday posts written ahead, I'm going to take the plunge and try out the new blogger format. Hopefully I'll be able to find the post button and post the prepared posts.

Since I can't write posts ahead about my hand quilting, next Sunday will be the premiere post using the new blogger format. If there is no post, then you know the transition isn't going smoothly for me.

It has been interesting to read about the varying experiences with the new blogger. The experiences have ranged from "IT'S A DISASTER!" to "No Problem". I'll let you know which type I am.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. Gretchen, I had a few problems with the new Blogger interface at first but now I am rather liking it. I find a few things better, actually. It is always a treat to see some more of your gorgeous Grandma's embroidered flowers, but I must say my favourite today is the beautiful lilac....'tis so pretty. Hope the new Blogger will be kind to you. =)

  2. I always enjoy seeing your hand quilting on Grandma's blocks, and whatever else you are working on.

  3. I do love the smell of freshly bailed hay! I worked on a farm in the summer for 5 years to put myself through university, and that smell makes me soooo happy! Thanks for bringing that memory back to me today!
    Such beautiful hand quilting to enjoy! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. Your quilting is gorgeous. I have actually had no problem posting with the Blogger.

  5. This is coming along beautifully. Your posts make me miss the farm, I've not felt that way for years, but I do this year! Good luck with the new blogger format!

  6. Lovely hand quilting, I love the photo with the light coming from the side, showing your stitches. I hope you will be the second type for Blogger, like me ;)

  7. Love seeing your embroidery and lovely quilting! Good luck with the new blogger format. I don't think I have moved yet.

  8. I am firmly in the middle about the changes in Blogger. It is not a disaster, but there are definitely things that I don't like. Basic blogging is going smoothly. Once again your quilting is beautiful.

  9. I'm surprised you get any sewing done with work on the farm! I'll watch out next Sunday to see how blogger goes.

  10. I love your progress on your hand quilting on the embroidered blocks quilt... soon it will be ready for binding in due time :) I hope the hay baling goes well... how many hay rounds do yall harvest each year or does it change year to year based on what all you are growing?? I know you have the cattle to feed...
    Have a great week dear friend <3 I am ready to roll the quilt I am on now and will be at the middle! YAY! Kathi

  11. I can't seem to find the New Post button, so I went back to the vintage blogger. Love your quilting.

  12. Beautiful progress on your hand quilting!

  13. Good luck with the new blogger. I only had an issue getting the pics where I wanted them. I used the preview button lots to make sure everything was where I wanted it. Oh the smell of hay....ahhhhh!!
