Saturday, June 27, 2020

Scrappy Sprouts & Circle of Squares

I wasn't planning on starting a new RSC project right away, I thought I'd wait and catch up on some other projects first.

I mentioned earlier that I was working on a project for a friend. That project used pink fabrics which are the color for June. 

While I had the pink box out, I decided to go ahead and cut the blocks for Sprouts but why just make one block? So I cut enough for two blocks.

Here is a link to the Scrappy Sprouts pattern.

Another project I've long admired is the Circle of Squares block, so I pieced two pink blocks. A link to the Circle of Squares block is here. I did make a slight change, I used a 2-1/2" by 4-1/2" rectangle in the corner units.

I don't know who originally designed the pattern.

Here's a link to a crib quilt  I made using the circle of squares pattern.

We'll see how long I last making monthly blocks before I decide I need a finish. 

I said last Sunday that I was going to start figuring out how to use the new Blogger format. I also said that Sunday June 28 would be the preview of my new skills, Wrong! This is my first post of the new Blogger format. It's been a learning experience which would be made much  easier if I would remember where everything is located. I'm sure with time I'll be as used to the new format as I was with the old.

Linking to UFO Busting, Scrap Happy Saturday


  1. Those are both great blocks - and pretty in pink! I agree that you'll get used to the new Blogger format, and soon it will feel like normal!

  2. I like both of those blocks and have seen others that some have finished - they will look great!

  3. Hi,
    Beautiful pinky the sprouts..have a great day!

  4. Great choices! Too funny on the 'how long before I have to finish one off'. I am starting to feel that way with a couple of mine.
    Love that circle of squares block.

  5. Your PINK blocks for the RSC are SEW sweet!! Thanks for the link to a Circle in a Square tutorial. I have long wanted to make some of those and no might just be the time to try!

  6. Two great RSC block choices!

  7. I love both those blocks - perfect for RSC! (Both are on my to-do list, too, but I'm trying so so hard not to start them now-this-very-minute!)

  8. I love the 2 new blocks you are making... and I LOVE your pink scraps a LOT :) Keep up the great work as the months go by if you can ;) Kathi

  9. Very pretty pink! Like the sprouts! The Circle’s are a fun quilt to make! Hugs. You did good on the new Blogger!

  10. Really sweet pinks. Like the sprout blocks.

  11. I really like the Circle if Squares block. I’ll be adding it to my inspiration notebook! The new blogger definitely has a learning curve! “Just keep swimming “,

  12. Love all the links. Circle of 9s looks like a fun-to-make pattern and your baby quilt is adorable! Thanks again for the links! I had a little trouble with the new Blogger but it's not too bad. You're right -- after a while it'll be as comfortable to use as the old version.
