Sunday, March 22, 2020

Starting the Last Border

The center of Floral Triangles is finished! 

I could reach the straight red narrow border so I stitched in the ditch on both sides of it.

Here are the applique blocks.

Right side half triangle.

Left side half triangle

Left side border.

I've rolled. I can't reach all the way from the right side to the scrappy border on the left.

I will quilt this border in 3 passes.

First I'll quilt the right side scrappy border and stitch in the ditch on both sides.

I'll roll then quilt the center section with the flower/leaf stenciling.

For the final pass, I'll finish the left patchwork and stitch in the ditch along the narrow rows.

I don't know if I'll be able to quilt the whole border in a week or not. 

You'll find out next Sunday!

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. Yay! Doing a happy dance for you that the centre of your Floral Triangles is finished. That's a wee bit exciting. Such beautiful quilting! Can't wait till next week to see if you finish the border.

  2. You are doing such a fab job on this Floral Triangle quilt... I am sew excited to see it off the frame and take it in with your excellent photography skills... no pressure of course! lol
    Your stitching and decisions are amazing for this quilt!
    Have a great week making progress as you can on this. Kathi

  3. OH my goodness! You are so close to finishing this gorgeous quilt.

  4. Yippee another roll with the end in sight!
    Have a great day!

  5. it is just so pretty and I have loved watching your progress on this - always so nice to see an end in sight

  6. You have set yourself a bit of a mammoth task for this week! I will look forward to finding out next week how you got on! But it does feel like the end is in sight?

  7. Oh so close, I usually get sucked in at this point and just want to quilt all day! Enjoy stitching that last border!

  8. Great work! Have loved seeing your beautiful progress!

  9. What batting do you use? Your quilting stitches show so nicely.

  10. Perhaps next week's hope-to-be finished goal will be achieve. I'm curious as to your choice of batting also.

  11. Your quilting on sweet succotash is gorgeous. As an added beauty, it is hand quilted. I have not begun the quilting on my version of this quilt yet. I am going to follow the quilting by Judi Madsen.

  12. Oh goodness, not too much to go now! I've loved watching your progress on this, always a delight to see your glorious hand quilting grow!

  13. So close to a finish! Great goal for the week as you stay home and stay safe. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. I am looking forward to this finish, such a gorgeous quilt, and your hand quilting is stellar!

  15. It is almost done... keep on working on it. Maybe, hopefully, it'll be done by next week. You don't need to cook do you?

  16. This is a wonderful quilt. You're on the finish line! Yeah!

  17. You have really made some good progress. Congratulations on being so close to a finish. It is beautiful!

  18. What a wonderful quilt. And the quilting is smashing. Thank you for showing us.

  19. It's so beautiful, Gretchen! Enjoy every last stitch!

  20. Beautiful quilt and stitching! What a treasure this will be to finish after all those hand quilting hours.

  21. SO exciting to be headed for the finish line, isn't it? This is going to be spectacular.

  22. The whole quilt is so beautiful. Your quilting is gorgeous. Enjoy the last stitches.
    Take care

  23. Your quilt is gorgeous! I can't wait to see the completed project. As I was reading your post, I was thinking of how long it has taken you to hand quilt this beauty. Then I thought well at least you are getting it done. So what if it takes a long time to quilt. What about all those quilt tops that sit there in a pile at my house, waiting to be quilted. I could have hand quilted them instead and they would be done!

  24. So pretty! This is such a great time for hand work.
