Friday, February 14, 2020

OMIGOSH! Borders!

The borders are on OMIGOSH! Right now it measures 47" by 51" and there are a total of 4090 pieces! This little quilt is right up there with Dear Jane and Nearly Insane in the number of pieces in a quilt. I am SO glad I didn't make a large quilt. 

For the borders, I decided to use the fabrics that were in the 9 patches and make piano key borders. For now there's a wider white outside border. After quilting some of that border will be trimmed off.

I'm planning on quilting OMIGOSH! with my sewing machine but for now it's going in the to be quilted closet until I'm in the mood for machine quilting.

I think the yellow fabric actually looks yellow in these pictures, not greenish-yellow but the 4 square blocks still all look pink. Half of the 4 squares are orange.

It's nice to be able to take pictures outside. Most of our winter has been mud but since it snowed and was 3* this morning, everything is frozen. Outside pictures are the best.

Linking to Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday, UFO Busting


  1. This project is amazing! Love your border treatment too.

  2. The border was a brilliant idea and make the quilt even that much more amazing! All those pieces....holy cow!

  3. Omigosh is right!! that is a stunning quilt!! and WOW! All those tiny pieces - It is really gorgeous!

  4. it turned out wonderful - I have always thought to do a queen size LOL - I wonder if I ever well

    1. I've seen several quilters making blocks for this quilt as their RSC project. They've spread the work out over years which is probably a good idea if you're making a queen sized quilt.

  5. LOVE it!!! I've never seen one in such a controlled color palette. It's gorgeous!

  6. Congratulations, that's an awful lot of tiny pieces. I think the piano key border looks really smart, great choice.

  7. Hi Gretchen, your quilt is amazing! That's way too many pieces for me! Your piano keys border really looks great and is perfect for it.

  8. You have done a beautiful job. You should be proud. I can feel your pain for tiny pieces. My Dear Jane is hidden away. I am a finisher but I think I might finish her into a wal hanging! LOL

  9. I love this Omigosh! Amazing border on an amazing quilt... you know if you had quilted this little beauty or are talented equally to machine quilt as accurately (I can't do it by machine nearly as well as I do by hand is why I said that)... it could win awards on your excellent use of color and piecing accuracy. I don't think that is your goal in life but ponder that before you pull it back outta the closet it waits in to become a quilt! :) Great job I can see the colors great on your newly fallen snow... we are in the teens this morning and will be sunny soaring in the the 20's midday! oh my!!!! Have a great weekend friend :) Kathi

  10. The Piano Key borders are a perfect choice. The colors are so beautiful together, they absolutely sing. Congratulations on completing the top. It's beautiful!

  11. Beautiful, Mom! It looks stunning in the natural light outdoors, and with the snowy backdrop! -MWS

  12. Love your quilt! The border really adds to it. I understand you would not want to make it full size!

  13. OMIGOSH is fabulous! The piano key border is a great idea! Your photos are wonderful!

  14. Omigosh is the PERFECT name for your quilt, because that's exactly what I squealed the moment I saw the picture! It's GORGEOUS, Gretchen!! Congratulations! Also, never count or calculate how many pieces are in a quilt until AFTER you've finished it. Otherwise the task is so daunting, it's harder to begin! ;-)

  15. It's fantastic! Great job on a very labour intensive pattern!
