Friday, December 20, 2019

Retreat Project #6, Moda Love

Project 6 was the last project of the retreat. 

Years ago I won a charm pack called Trail's End by Holly Taylor for Moda. It has lain around here ever since! On someone's blog somewhere, I came across the Moda Love Quilt pattern which is actually the same pattern in three different sizes and uses precut squares. Finally, a pattern to use that charm pack.

I prepped squares and stuck it and the pattern into my retreat bag. That project has lived there for awhile, waiting it's turn to be sewn. At the April retreat I pieced the HST's, at this retreat the star was finally sewn.

I didn't use any of the light creams from the package, I cut my own fabric for background just to provide continuity.

I like the way the block looks except for those light pinkish/brown HST's. I had used all the dark browns from the pack and pulled these from the pack. I have never liked that shade of brown.

Oh well, this is destined to be a charity quilt. I know how I want to finish it, again just need to find the time. And again, another project to finish in 2020.

This is my last post about the retreat and I need to show you what I bought! I only shopped at the resale table and came across these 2 fat quarter bundles and the yardage. 

I'm very please with my purchases. I've been wanting to brighten my stash and these fabrics will make a great contribution to that.

Linking to Peacock Party, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Brag About Your Beauties, Finished Or Not Friday, UFO Busting


  1. Great purchases! The fabrics do look bright and happy. Your quilt looks lovely, too. I've made that pattern and enjoyed the process.

  2. lots of nice bright fabric there! always good to get in on sales instead of paying full price

  3. I like your retreat block, you did a good job of balancing the “different “ brown, and when it’s all said and done, I’ll bet you’ll like it all!

  4. Hi Gretchen! What great purchases on the resale table. They are nice and bright. From what I can see of the yardage, it could almost be a single pattern design, or one to follow for FMQ practice. I've always wanted to try quilting something from the back, following the pattern on the backing fabric! Your large star is a nice finish, and I know someone will absolutely love it when you have it quilted. Thank you for linking up to TGIFF. Merry Christmas to you and your family. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I like your star block - and I think the way you used the lighter brown just blended right in - here is to more time so you can finish it!

  6. LOVE your Moda Love quilt top and that fabulous stash enhancement!!!

  7. I have sooo enjoyed hearing of your retreat and seeing ALL you got accomplished... now to see this sweet carpenter's star block! LOVE IT <3 I hope the home this sweet quilt finds when you finish it will treasure it all ... esp those light brown hst's :)
    I love your purchases... those are sure to excite your stash I think!
    Have a wonderful weekend as you prepare for Christmas!!!! Kathi

  8. Connie W.
    Your quilt from the charm squares looks great. I, too, found this pattern via the internet, used it for a pack of charm squares that I'd won, and donated it to Comfort Quilts. This was my first ever use of charm packs, and, like you, it was difficult to make a pleasing combination for my eyes.. The quilt was well received by the group.

  9. Beautiful block! It will make a beautiful quilt for someone! You are just a great shopper! I like the bottom fabric - that will make a light and airy quilt! OR a nice backing!

  10. Thank you for that pattern link! I have a charm pack I have been saving and this will be perfect for it!
