Sunday, December 8, 2019

Quilting Floral Triangles

I've gotten back into the rhythm of hand quilting again, another row has been completed. Two rows completely finished, five more to go!

These are the left side borders.

This is one of my favorite triangles. Those little grapes are so cute!

I stitched in the ditch around all the applique.

Not much to say about this block, just quilted it.

I've mentioned before that I got tired doing the hexden flowers and used different designs. 

This is one of those flowers. Just made a hexie flower. When I quilted, I stitched 1/8" from the seam line. I didn't quilt in the center at all. I quilted in the center on another flower and didn't like the way it looked.

Another hexie flower quilted the same way.

This flower was made from yoyo's. It wasn't hard to quilt at all, just stitched the seam edge where they were stitched together. 

The right side border. 

I must have gotten the right time of day to take pictures. The green and red thread show nicely, at least I think they do.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching,  Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


  1. I LOVE visiting you and this quilt! Your hand quilting is truly amazing. Diagonal quilting is always magical and the meandering quilting of the flowers and leaves really pops! So many pretty 1930's prints to see. This quilt makes my heart sing! You must receive much satisfaction as you sit and quilt this most amazing quilt.

    1. I am really enjoying quilting this quilt. It seems like the colored threads makes the texture show more. Happy Stitching!

  2. Wow your stitching on this is just amazing. So beautiful!! :)

  3. Hand quilting fascinates me! Yours is absolutely stunning!

  4. SO beautiful! I love seeing your progress on this quilt.

  5. love your quilt and the quilting - what kind of batting did you use in this one - it looks like it is making it very nicely puffy

    1. I'm using a wool batt. Read my September 1st post for more details.

  6. Beautiful quilt and beautiful quilting! Great progress!

  7. You are really having too much fun! This quilt is going to end up being one of your very favorites along with Blue and White Dear Jane! You are just so talented! Hugs

  8. It continues to become more and more beautiful with each stitch.

  9. Oh my goodness Gretchen... how beautiful your quilting is on this quilt!!!! I LOVE IT... I love your yo yo flower sew much too!!!
    I love every bit of this quilt though! Thanks for sharing it today on your blog... great photos!!!

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the yoyo flower!

  11. I so admire your handstitching this quilt! It is such a commitment!

  12. Very impressive. You certainly will have something to be proud of.

  13. I'm wondering if you put a little bit of batting under your designs as you appliquéd them on to the top. Or is it the wool batting making them look slightly puffy? This quilt is coming along so nicely.

    1. It's the batting making the applique look puffy. I did NOT stuff any of the applique. Thanks for your question.

  14. Just caught up on your posts, Gretchen. Always such beautiful hand quilting on pretty projects here. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work!

  15. A beautiful quilt, beautifully quilted and great photos!
    Barbara x

  16. This is absolutely gorgeous! Your quilting is perfection!
