Sunday, October 6, 2019

Quilting Floral Triangles

I've made progress on Floral Triangles this week. Floral Triangles is what I've renamed my quilt. 

The original name is Sweet Surrender, designed by Sue Cody. This pattern is no longer available. But . . . you do have an opportunity to purchase a raffle ticket to win a Sweet Surrender quilt. Check out this post on the Sew'n Wild Oaks blog. I'm not affiliated with anyone from that guild but since it was a Sweet Surrender quilt, why not?

Now, back to my quilt. I've sewn the bottom of the triangles all the way across the quilt. Look at that lovely texture! I love it! 
I had several comments about how nice this looked quilted 1/2" away from the diagonal line and not stitched in the ditch. I can't take credit for the idea. 

Several years, my quilt made and donated a Sweet Surrender quilt to the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale. This was the way the charity quilt committee marked the quilt. While hand quilting on that quilt, I decided I would do the center of my quilt the same way.

After quilting 1" diamonds in the Pastor's Attic quilt, I thought I'm not going to mark a quilt with diamonds for a very long time. Never say never! I'm quilting diamonds again 1" apart!

The flower applique for Stars Around the Garden is completed, now the leaf applique will start. I'm planning to use the brown fabrics for the leaves. 

You can't tell in the picture, but I did add some batting to the inside of the flower centers just to add a little poof. I didn't think about doing that until after I had already cut the back out of the center flower so that one won't be poofy.

I can't wait to read all about the Slow Stitching Day Retreat held today at St. Brigid's Villa in Guelph, Ontario. No matter where you are, have a great slow stitching day!

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday StitchingOh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward, WIPs On Wednesday


  1. I agree the texture is breathtaking. I feel a bit the same about crosshatching but I always love the look of it and they are fun to hand quilt. The marking not so much!

  2. This is so wonderful. I love the diamond quilting it does add wonderful texture you're right!

  3. Your quilting is magnificent. I just love that quilt. I am looking forward to seeing the leaves attached to your applique.

  4. Gorgeous quilting! I love seeing your progress!

  5. I love seeing the progress on your pretty quilt. Enjoy the stitching this week.

  6. Floral Triangles is a great name for your quilt. The effect that it gives the triangles is a worthwhile never again. ;-)

  7. I love the quilting you are doing on your Floral Triangles quilt - it's going to be beautiful! Great idea to add the batting to your little flowers - once it's quilted they'll look really great. You could use the 'cheating trapunto' method to do the larger flower (tacking some batting behind the piece, cut it out and then it gets stitched in with the quilting.) Have fun with the leaves.

  8. Thank you so much for posting a link to my blog! I really appreciate any help the Ridge Quilters' Guild can receive on the sale of tickets for their Sweet Surrender opportunity quilt. Their quilt guild has been hit hard by the lose of their meeting space, and all of their quilt show supplies. Not to mention the number of members who lost their homes in the Camp Fire.
    Your quilt, and quilting is absolutely lovely! Well done YOU!

  9. Gretchen your hand quilting is just divine! And your applique is awesome as well.. I love the added puffs of batting you added for a fun addition to your flowers too!!! Have a wonderful week and I love that raffle quilt!!!! Kathi

  10. That quilting is gorgeous! It really gives detail and texture to your beautiful quilt!

  11. beautiful quilt and quilting - I admire your work

  12. This is beautiful! Enjoy this treasure you are making!

  13. The texture is just wow! I am in love!

  14. This is amazing! Just so beautiful! :-)

  15. Oh wow... great progress on both projects. I love how both are looking.

  16. oooo, yes - those triangles look fantastic quilted this way! As I zoom in on pictures and read your post, it's very striking to think of the wonderful quilt legacy you've been building up with your gorgeous hand-quilted works.

  17. The diagonal grid in the diamonds is amazing! Your applique project is beautiful too!
