Friday, December 18, 2020

Harper's Garden

A year or so ago, I won a layer cake called Harper's Garden from Green Fairy Quilts on the Terrific Tuesday Giveaway on Melissa's blog. I couldn't decide what to do with it.

Recently, while perusing blogs in a linky party, I came across Susie's Scraps which has great patterns for scrappy quilts. One of the patterns was the Arrowhead Block which uses 10" squares. I really should have been working on another project but I followed the directions and made 2 blocks.

To stretch the cake fabrics, I'm pairing them with Kona fabrics from the solids tub. These two blocks were made with the spring green fabric left from the string X quilt. This is in keeping with my determination to try to use more interesting background fabrics.

This isn't a stop everything and make quilt, it's a waiting until its turn quilt. The arrowhead blocks were fun to make and didn't take long at all to make. 

Click the Harper's Garden link to see the picture of the cake.  

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot  Down, Whoop Whoop PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall FridayBrag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting, Oh Scrap


  1. That looks lovely! And thanks for the link to Susie's Scraps - what a fun blog!

  2. I made a lap quilt with Harper's Garden last summer. It is a bright and cheery print stack.

  3. OH I love this one! Really is striking! Love the black with the green - they blend so well! HUgs

  4. Harper's Garden looks so nice paired with that green :) I made an Arrowhead blocks quilt for a grandbaby... I did not enjoy trying to get the corners to match up though when sewing them all together... that was my experience only though... I bet yours will go together easily :D Kathi

  5. I love the Arrowhead block. I've tried it a couple of times and ended up throwing my blocks in the orphan box. I am not good at making these I guess and I didn't enjoy the process. But I sure do love that block.

  6. That spring green solid is perfect with your print fabric, Gretchen! I didn't realize Susie had scrap patterns on her blog. I should take a look, because my scrap bins, like my blessings, overfloweth! :-)

  7. That is a perfect use for that fabric!! its beautiful - and maybe will look like a trellis or lattice when you are one ( you know the kind outside windows with flowers on them?)

    1. We'll find out whenever all the blocks are pieced. I'm hoping I have a retreat the spring of 2021. I thought this would be a good project to take to work on. If there's no retreat, I'll work on it that week at home.

  8. This is a fun piece...I always love that arrowhead block. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF.

  9. I love that you are determined to use interesting background fabrics! It's so easy to grab a neutral when making a quilt, but pushing the envelope by using something unexpected is so much harder!

  10. That is a great block and so pretty with the green background! It looks like two 10 inch squares make two blocks?

    1. Yes, 2 - 10" squares make 2 blocks. I'll be pulling other fabrics from the solids box to make more of these blocks sometime.

  11. Pretty blocks! I really like that you chose a way to improve your quilts, and are acting on it, adding interesting backgrounds. Kind of like a New Year's resolution that you can keep! I think I'll try one this year that works for me.

  12. Hurray for bold background fabrics. I love the fabric combination. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. I too like neutral background fabrics like red, or green. . . .I appreciate your waiting its turn comment about the kind of quilt you are planning to make!
