Sunday, June 9, 2019

Weeds & Miss Jane

Weeds N Tweeds is coming along faster than I had anticipated. The bottom part of the windows had a lot of detail to be quilted. The quilting completed last week had less detail and I completed quilting in all 3 windows.

I started quilting this week with the left "window". I decided to highlight the variations in the background hills.  After I had quilted some, I sat back and decided the hills were too pointy. I didn't remove the thread but just I finished these hills with more curved points.

These quilted hills in the center window are much less pointed and I think look better. I also did straight line quilting in the fields. 

I wasn't sure how to quilt the pasture but decided to just stitch around the sheep. Good enough.

The right window had both the background stitching and a field. 

The left window and this window both had stalks of feathered wheat. I really like how they turned out.

There is just one more block to embroider for Miss Jane's Best.

I've been in rather a slump with my sewing machine. After the embroidery is finished, that will be the next sewing project which will then turn into the next quilting project.

I'm still enjoying spring, the color green and all the flowers. This year I bought some hanging baskets for my porch.

The baskets look very nice hanging from the porch and the begonias perk up the hosta bed.

The hanging baskets are going to do double duty this summer. Our daughter and her husband have listed their house for sale. To give it more presentation, she's going to use the hanging baskets and planters.

The porch faces the east. Several weeks ago I showed you a bleeding heart that wasn't very big. She's in full bloom now.

While the bleeding heart on the west side of the house is starting to slow down blooming.

The peonies were just starting to bloom nicely last Sunday. 

We've had several heavy rains since then so they are looking rather bedraggled.

I didn't think the poppies were going to bloom this year but they finally sent up buds and started opening a couple days ago.

I wish the blooms lasted longer but they don't so it's enjoy them now, they'll be gone in 2 weeks.

I don't know what the name of this succulent ground cover is but it is going crazy and is 8" tall! It loves all the rain and is starting to bloom. By the end of this week it will look more  yellow than green.

I'll be showing you an updated picture of this spot in a week or two. The lilies are so tall and full of buds, I never remember what colors they are. I do know some of them will be white from previous planted Easter lilies.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell Monday, Monday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away, Moving It Forward


  1. Your quilting on your Weeds N Tweeds is looking beautiful. I love that the mountains are not all the same. Love the embroideries in the Miss Jane's Best, too. My your garden is looking mighty pretty; how green everything looks.

  2. Love the quilting you are doing on the panel! You are really bringing it to life! Isn't it a marvelous year for our perennial beds! I went out to see my white lilies everyday because they too only last a couple of weeks, then we have to wait till next spring to enjoy them again.

  3. everything looks so pretty at this time of year with all the blooming going on

  4. Your flower pictures are gorgeous. What a beautiful porch!! I could see sitting out there hand stitching something! It's hard not to be in a bit of a sewing slump this time of the year. The weather is too nice to be inside!

  5. Lovely garden, and your stitchery is wonderful.

  6. Beautiful flowers... the quilted kind and the nature kind!

  7. Such a fun post! The quilting is beautiful as are the flowers in the gardens. Love the poppies and hosta..... I really miss being able to grow them.

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your home girl! Thanks for the photos of all the flowering bushes/shrubs/plants you have too... How nice that your dd can borrow some of your cool hanging baskets to spruce up her curb appeal too <3 Your quilt is looking great as is your embroidery :D

  9. Your plants and flowers are always lovely, Mom.

  10. You panel is going to be so nice with that hand quilting! Love your porch! I would sit out there all day long and just look over the land and be at peace! Beautiful flowers. I forgot to ask for a green thumb when they were handing them out! It is always nice to take a break for doing the same thing all the time! You will be ready to sew now. Hugs

  11. How can you be in a sewing machine slump at the same time that you're doing your Weeds and Tweeds quilting, which looks fantastic, by the way? Is that all HAND quilting? Your embroidery looks great and I enjoyed seeing your garden photos, too. I love those hostas, peonies and poppies!

  12. Beautiful stitching and beautiful garden flowers! Love!

  13. Beautiful quilting on your current project! Ah, to have a beautiful yard is lovely. Hard to do here in our desert! Must go water what I do have, now!

  14. Your quilting is gorgeous. The hill & fields are defined beautifully. I'm looking forward to my bleeding hearts blooming next year. I planted one very late this spring -- I've got greenery but no flowers. That's OK, all in good time!

  15. What a pretty post to see! The flowers are all so beautiful. That's the only thing I wish were different with our property, is that we could grow a lot of showy flowers and TOMATOES. :) Growth season is too short, water too scarce (and far too expensive to sprinkler-water more than the formal lawn area in front of the house), and too high an elevation - these things all conspire to keep much from happening beyond a few high-altitude forest plants. So I really enjoy seeing others' flower shows. Thanks for sharing that. :) Also: The quilting on Weeds and Tweeds is so very sweet, Gretchen.
