Sunday, June 16, 2019

More Weeds & Jane

The sky has been quilted on Weeds N Tweeds. The thread used for sky was variegated shades of gray. Perfect! And so was the small clamshell stencil used for the quilting!

I've rolled since the photos were taken and now I'm working on the outside borders. 

This heart was the last block to be embroidered for Miss Jane. Sorry it's blurry.

I think I had said several weeks ago that the little squares finish at 3", that is incorrect. I've trimmed them to 3", they'll finish at 2-1/2". 

This is going to be a small quilt. It's a nice change for the larger quilts I normally make.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQAL, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward


  1. I certainly love the clamshell sky and all of the details you have put into weeds... I also love your embroidered blocks :) LOVELY! Kathi

  2. Clamshell is a great design for sky quilting. Lovely little embroidery project...
    Enjoy your slow stitching and thanks for linking up!

  3. Love the clamshell quilting.... and those little embroidery blocks are so teeny tiny! Adorable though.

  4. Weeds N Tweeds is looking great, I love the clamshell! Looking forward to seeing what you do with those tiny embroidered blocks. That will be a neat little quilt.

  5. Those hand stitched blocks are SEW sweet!!!

  6. Great idea to pick this quilting pattern for the sky, it's lovely. Beautiful embroidery too

  7. You are so right, Gretchen,about your choice. The clam stitching is perfect and for the sky too...ideal. I also love your little stitcheries.

  8. Beautiful hand quilting, and the small stitching is so pretty! Looking forward to seeing them put into a quilt. :-)

  9. Love you quilting and stitching!

  10. Those little blocks are adorable! 😍

  11. The quilting is just perfect for sky, and what a pretty quilt that is. Your embroideries are so tiny! It will make a lovely little piece, though. People will have to get close to see it's beauty.

    1. I'll have better closeup photos when I'm actively piecing the top. It feels so good to make something small for once!

  12. Wow, those little embroidered squares are small! You do such lovely work, it makes me happy to know you. Thanks for posting your work, it's so inspiring.

    1. The blocks are small but not near as small as the little blocks you piece! Have a great week!

  13. very pretty Gretchen! Love the embroidery blocks and the quilt will be a beauty! Hugs

  14. Your Weeds & Feeds quilting is spot on ... love how the clam shells make the clouds look so fluffy. My heart belongs to the tiny embroideries though. Lori Smith has some gorgeous designs and I can't wait to see how this quilt turns out for you.

  15. Your hand quilting and embroidery are really wonderful. Love all the details you added with the quilting.


  16. So sweet! It's clear you're enjoying the stitching time.
